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To fill in the blank, there are FEWER molecules of air at high elevation....

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Q: There are molecules of air at high elevation's so air pressure is less?
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There are molecules of air at high elevations so air pressure is less?

To fill in the blank, there are FEWER molecules of air at high elevation....

Why is air pressure on a high mountain is less than on the lowland?

Air pressure decreases with altitude because there are fewer air molecules at higher elevations. As you climb a high mountain, the weight of the air above you decreases, resulting in lower air pressure.

What is a low-pressure system and what is a high-pressure system?

The difference is that Low air pressure has less air molecules pushing down in one area and high air pressure has more air molecules pushing down in one area.

How many molecules of air at high elevation's so air pressure is less?


What is the difference between a high-pressure system and A low pressure system?

The difference is that Low air pressure has less air molecules pushing down in one area and high air pressure has more air molecules pushing down in one area.

What is the difference between high-pressure system and a low-pressure system?

The difference is that Low air pressure has less air molecules pushing down in one area and high air pressure has more air molecules pushing down in one area.

Which characteristic of places at high elevations?

Places at high elevations often have cooler temperatures due to the thinner air which allows less heat to be retained. The air is also typically drier at higher elevations, leading to lower humidity levels. Additionally, the higher elevation can lead to stronger UV radiation exposure due to thinner atmosphere.

How does the force change on how high the rocket goes?

At high elevations, the force of gravity becomes less.

Is there really less oxygen at higher elevations?

Actually, the reason there isn't less oxygen at higher elevations. The reason it is harder to breathe is because the partial pressure of oxygen is much lower at higher elevations, preventing gas exchange of oxygen with the tissues in your body.

Does water boil the same at sea level as it does at higher elevations?

Water boils at a lower temperature at higher elevations because the atmospheric pressure is lower. At higher elevations, there is less air pressing down on the water, so it requires less energy to reach the boiling point.

Why does water boiling point decrease with increases in elavation?

The pressure of the atmosphere is less at higher elevations. The atmospheric pressure is what keeps water from turning into a gas.

Does high pressure have high density?

If you are referring to a high pressure gas, then yes. The higher the pressure, the higher the density of the gas because the molecules pack closer together. The density of liquids can also be affected by pressure but to much less of an extent. For most purposes, liquids such as water are considered incompressible.