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Q: Things people can do that they can be proud of?
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What 3 things are you proud of?

There are a great many things that people can be most proud of. Some people are proud of their jobs and other people are proud of their cars or kids for example.

What are you proud of in terms of achievement?

There are many things that people can be proud of, including graduating college. People can also be proud of winning awards or sports competitions.

What are the three things you are most proud of in your professional life?

There are a number of things that one could be proud of in their personal life. This includes getting a promotion, being in charge of a key project, as well as greatly improving professional skills.

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write about some of the things in pakistan of which your are proud

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You tell them the truth and be PROUD that you changed the things about you that made your life bad!!

Is a wolf proud?

No. No animal is proud only people are.

What is the main idea of Lies by Michael Grant?

the main idea is that so people can learn all the things wrong with lies there thing to be proud of there things to be ashamed of.

What to be proud of?

You should be proud of several things. I am proud of my Ethnicity.(Czechoslovak) You should also be proud of what your kids do, how beautiful your wife is, if you have a good job, if you have a good life, and you should be proud if you're enjoying the life your living.

Are giraffes a proud and noble people?

Yes. They are proud and noble animals.

What makes us proud to be a Malaysian?

all people are proud us

Why are Italians so proud if themselves?

Italians believe they are great people and they are just very proud people.

What makes you proud as a Filipino?

There are many things that could make you proud as a Filipino including your history and heritage. You could also be proud to represent a minority group.