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  • motif
  • gesture
  • artifact
  • ground
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Seth Griffin

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2y ago
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12y ago

water and some vases hope this answers your question

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2w ago

An artifact or product that embodies the customs, beliefs, and values of the society that created it. It serves as a symbol of the cultural identity and history of that particular community, illustrating the traditions and innovations that shape their way of life.

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Q: This describes an object that reflects the culture in which it is made?
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What an object is made of and the color of light that strikes it determines the what?

The object's material composition and the color of light that strikes it determine the object's appearance or color to an observer. The object reflects or absorbs specific wavelengths of light based on its material properties, influencing how it appears in different lighting conditions.

What an object is made of and the color light strikes it determine the?

What an object is made of and the color light strikes it determine the object's visible color. The object's material composition affects how it interacts with light, leading to the absorption and reflection of certain colors. When light strikes an object, the object absorbs some wavelengths of light and reflects others, which our eyes perceive as color.

What colors does white paper reflect?

White light is made up of all the colors. If a paper is white, it is reflecting all the colors of light. We know that the color of an object is determined by the color(s) of light it reflects. If an object is green, for example, it reflects green light and absorbs all other colors.

What happens when light falls on a white objects?

When light falls on a white object, the object reflects all visible wavelengths of light equally, giving it its white appearance. This means that no specific color is absorbed by the object, and all colors are reflected back to our eyes, creating the perception of white.

An object that reflects all colors appears to be what color?

White. When an object reflects all colors, it is reflecting the complete spectrum of light, which to our eyes appears as white. This is because white light is made up of all the colors in the visible spectrum.

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An------------ is an object that was made by a culture ans represents something about culture?

An artifact is an object that was made by a culture and represents something about that culture, such as its beliefs, customs, or technology. These artifacts provide insights into the way of life of past societies.

What an object is made of and the color of light that strikes it determines the what?

The object's material composition and the color of light that strikes it determine the object's appearance or color to an observer. The object reflects or absorbs specific wavelengths of light based on its material properties, influencing how it appears in different lighting conditions.

All the knowledge and values shared by a society are a part of its?

the discip dealing with the design with the design of it's fine buildings

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a mirror object that reflects light the ones made of glass are glass sprayed with silver

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The first man made object to be launched into orbit successfully.

Why are there stars up in the sky?

The 'stars' are any celestial object that reflects the light from the sun... This can be something as small as a man-made satellite - or as large as a whole galaxy !

What is a jamaican artifact?

A Jamaican artifact is any object made or modified by a human culture found in Jamaica.

What is the definition of the word wrap?

It describes the material surrounding another object, such as--> The candy wrap is made of plastic. It is also the act of applying wrap to an object, such as--> I will wrap the baby in a warm blanket.

How the moon reflects sun lights .Is with the help oxygen crystals present on surface of moon?

There are no oxygen crystals on the moon. The moon's surface is made of a rock called basalt, a rock that can be found on Earth as well. The moon reflects sunlight just like any other object does.

When white light strikes a green wall why do you see green?

When white light is made up of many colors. The reason you see green is because the green object reflects green light back to you and and all the other colors are absorbed by the object.

Why does the world have color?

The world has color, because light is made up of: green, blue, and red light. Certain amounts of of all thode colors are reflected and you see what the object reflects.

What colors does white paper reflect?

White light is made up of all the colors. If a paper is white, it is reflecting all the colors of light. We know that the color of an object is determined by the color(s) of light it reflects. If an object is green, for example, it reflects green light and absorbs all other colors.