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Q: This is the material or substance on which an enzyme acts?
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Related questions

What is the substance an enzyme act upon called?

the substance that an enzyme acts upon is subtrate

What is the difference between substrate and product?

The substrate is the substance (or substances) that attaches to the enzyme's active site before the reaction occurs.The product is the substance (or substances) that is formed after the enzyme has worked on the substrate.///

What is the substance on which an enzyme acts during a chemical reaction?

a catalyst

The enzyme molecule region that combines with the substance it acts upon is what?

the active site

Substance that enzyme act upon?

They are known as reactants or substrates.

How can you use substrate in a sentence?

the material or substance in which an enzyme reacts is known as a substrate.

The molecule on which an enzyme acts is called an?

The substance on which enzymes act are called substrates.

What is a substrate in the context of enzyme reaction?

Enzyme-substrate specificity means that a substrate can fit into an enzyme similar to a key fitting into a lock. The active site of the enzyme is what determines its specificity. An enzyme can hence catalyze a reaction with a specific substrate, such as amylase catalyzing starch molecules. During these reactions, the substrate is held in a precise optimum position to create and break bonds, catalyzing the molecule.

What is a specific enzyme?

A specific enzyme is an enzyme that only changes the speed of ONE reaction. (It only acts on one particular substance that happens to be compatible with that enzyme) i.e. if enzyme A is specific to reaction A, it will change the speed of reaction A. However it will have no effect on any other reaction like reaction B or C.

This essential substance increases the rate of a biochemical reaction?

An enzyme is a type of protein that acts as a catalyst to speed up biochemical reactions.

What to enzymes do in an enzyme-substrate?

in an enzyme-substrate complex, the enzyme acts on the substrate .

The substance acted upon by an enzyme is called its?

The substance acted upon by an enzyme is called its substrate. The enzyme binds to the substrate, facilitating a chemical reaction to occur.