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Radon is a radioactive gas that occurs naturally in soil and rocks. It can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation and accumulate to levels that can pose a health risk. Long-term exposure to high levels of radon gas is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. It is important to test for radon in homes and take steps to mitigate levels if necessary.

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Q: This radioactive gas sometimes seeps into and accumulates in houses?
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What is the radioactive gas that seeps in through cracks in foundation?

Carbon Monoxide

What ratioactive gas seeps intoo houses?


Radon gas seeps out of rocks underground why is it important to stop radon collecting in houses?

Radon gas is a radioactive gas.In high risk areas,houses may need extra underfoor ventilation to stop the gas collecting or,ideally,a sealed floor to stop it entering in the first place. Radon is a decay product of uranium, which is relatively common in the Earth's crust, but generally concentrated in ore-bearing rocks scattered around the world. Radon seeps out of these ores into the atmosphere or into ground water, and in these localities it can accumulate within dwellings and expose humans to high concentrations.Radiation exposure from radon is indirect. Radon has a short half-life (4 days) and decays into other solid particulate. These radioactive particles are inhaled and remain lodged in the lungs, causing continued exposure. People in affected localities can receive up to 10 mSv per year background radiation.

What can happens to a turkey in the rain?

when the rain seeps through their feathers and onto their skin. Their skin has a special chemical compound which turns them radioactive. And then they have an urge to pee on the nearest person and they turn into TURKEY MAN. and then they explode. - Professor Plum

What is the meaning of Ovine?

Of or pertaining to sheep. Bovine refers to cows.

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Water that seeps into the soil is called?

Through a process called infiltration: water that seeps into the soil is called groundwater.

What is the water from rain snow and lake that seeps into the ground called?

The water that seeps into the ground after it precipitates is called ground water.

How does rainwater get into the ground?

It seeps in. Infiltration

Are earthworm waterproof?

Yes, the water seeps through their skin. When you get a rag and pour water over it it seeps through, same thing with a worm.

Before the automobile what was the main use of petroleum?

The most recent use for petroleum before it was used in automobiles was for lighting in kerosene lamps. Petroleum in the form of tar from oil seeps in the ground were used in antiquity to seal boats and the roofs of houses.

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