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Q: This social science is concerned with how culture has been passed on from generation to generation while people adapt to changes in environment technology or social change. This social science might s?
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This social science is concerned with how culture has been passed on from generation to generation while people adapt to changes in environment technology or social change?


The social science is concerned with how culture has been passed on from generation to generation while people adapt to changes in environment technology or social change?


What changes caused the new environment called the Information age?

Telecomunications and Computer Technology.

How can environment and genotype?

The genotype of a particular trait may be changed by the environment that the organism lives in. The organism has to adapt, and therefore, the characteristic changes slightly, passing this change on to the next generation.

How can environment and genotype can interact?

The genotype of a particular trait may be changed by the environment that the organism lives in. The organism has to adapt, and therefore, the characteristic changes slightly, passing this change on to the next generation.

What have been some of the causes of the changing business environment in recent decades?

The environment and technology has caused changes to the business environment in the last couple of year. Many businesses are using greener methods for building and distributing items. Also, technology has led to efficient production methods.

What are the changes in the business environment brought about by technology in the last five years?

Changes in technology over the past five years have allowed small businesses an increased access to international markets. Technology has also increased the speed with which transactions occur. Consumers have a wider selection of goods and services due to increases in technology.

Has technology changed time?

No it hasn't as times changes so did technology. No it hasn't as times changes so did technology.

What are the implications of solow growth model?

The solow growth model has several long term implications: -changes in total output are dependent upon changes in population and technology growth (n + g). -Changes in output per person are solely dependent upon changes in technology (g), implying that technology/efficiency is the only variable that improves standard of living, from generation to generation. -Countries with lower population growth rates experience higher income per person. -The steady state and golden rule conditions inform an economy as to it's correct level of saving, therefore capital and consumption. -And a lot of other stuff...

What are the Changes in the print technology in last 100 years?

there are many changes in the print technology

Changes in print technology in the last 100 years?

there are many changes in the print technology

How does technology influenced the economic demography and environment of Hawaii?

Technology affects the costs and means of transportation/communication which, in turns, changes the optimal use of land or other resources. Given these changes, there are subsequent changes in the division of labour and capital in those regions (e.g.) different places now have comparative advantages in different industries and, therefore, specialise in them).