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Clay, silica, and carbonate minerals.

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Q: Three most common natural cements that hold sedimentary rocks together?
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Why are you saying that communication is a social cement?

Because communication brings people together (cements) in a common language.

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What is sedimentary rock formed from?

weathered remains of other rocks

What type of rock are the least common of the three types of rocks?

The most common chemical sedimentary rock is limestone.

Is a sill a common sedimentary rock?

yes sill is one of a sedimentary rocks

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The most common minerals in clastic sedimentary rocks are likely?

the most common minerals in clastic sedimentary rocks are likely

What does sedimentary rock and igneous rock have in common?

Both are: composed of minerals, subject to weathering and erosion, can be visible on the surface, are derived from natural processes, and are solid. Some sedimentary rocks can be composed almost completely of sediments derived from igneous rock.

What minerals are most common in detrital sedimentary rocks?

The most common minerals in detrital sedimentary rocks are quartz grains and clay.

What feature of sedimentary rock is common to nearly every type of sedimentary rock?


Sedimentary rock also known as mudstone?

No. Mudstone is sedimentary rock, but not all sedimentary rock is mudstone. Sandstone and limestone are other common varities of sedimentary rock.

What rock type are most common at earths surface?

Sedimentary rocks are the most common type of rocks found at Earth's surface. They are formed by the accumulation and cementation of sediments such as sand, mud, and organic material over time. Sedimentary rocks cover about 75% of the Earth's surface.