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Q: Through photo synthesis plants convert these ingredients into what?
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What do plants convert ingredients into?


What are the ingredients of photosenthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process where plants convert sunlight into energy (in very simple terms). There are not ingredients.

Where do plants get ingredients?

Plants get the nutrients that they need from the soil and water. They get the ingredients to make their own food through photosynthesis.

Does synthesis only occur in plants?

Yes. Especially trees. its their cycle they go through

The reading suggest that in making products at meatpacking plants?

Ingredients were disguised through the use of chemicals. (APEX)

The reading suggests that in the making products at meatpacking plants?

Ingredients were disgusted through the use of chemicals.

How do plants convert food back into energy?

Through cellular respiration.

What carries out photo synthesis?


Why do plants and animal and other organisms need nitrogen?

Nitrogen is required by plants and animals for protein synthesis

Do plants convert the energy of sunlight into carbon dioxide and water?

No. (This is just a bad multiple choice distractor.)Plants convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen using the energy of sunlight.

What is the important of plant in oxygen cycles?

Plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis.

Is the process through which plants convert electromagnetic energy into chemical energy?

Yes, the process through which plants convert electromagnetic energy from sunlight into chemical energy in the form of glucose through photosynthesis. This process occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells using the pigment chlorophyll to capture energy from light.