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An effective potholder has density and low conductivity.

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1w ago

A pot holder should have low conductivity to protect your hands from heat. Malleability and density are not as important factors for a pot holder, while viscosity is not relevant to its functionality.

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Q: To be effective a pot holder should have low Conductivity malleability density or viscosity?
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Do gold and carbon have different properties?

Yes, gold and carbon have very different properties. Gold is a metal with high density, malleability, and conductivity, while carbon is a non-metal with various allotropes such as graphite and diamond, each with unique properties like conductivity and hardness.

What are the physical properties of paint?

Paint has properties such as viscosity, color, opacity, drying time, and texture. Its viscosity affects its flow and coverage, while color and opacity determine its appearance. Drying time varies depending on the type of paint, and texture can range from smooth to textured finishes.

What are the 6 physical properties of metals?

The six physical properties of metals are luster (shininess), malleability (ability to be flattened without breaking), ductility (ability to be drawn into wires), electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, and density.

What are 3 physical properties most metals have?

Conductivity: Metals generally have high thermal and electrical conductivity. Ductility: Metals can be stretched into wires without breaking. Malleability: Metals can be hammered or rolled into thin sheets without breaking.

Enumerate 5 examples of properties of metal?

Conductivity: Metals have high electrical and thermal conductivity. Ductility: Metals can be easily stretched into wires without breaking. Malleability: Metals can be hammered or rolled into thin sheets. Luster: Metals have a shiny appearance when polished. Density: Metals are generally dense materials.

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physical change involves viscosity, conductivity, melting point, boiling point, density, malleability and hardness.

What are 6 examples of physical properties of matter?

The 6 physical properties are: 1.) Density 2.) Conductivity 3.) Malleability 4.) Ductility 5.) State 6.) Solubility

What are the Physical properties are?

Thermal conductivity, state, density, solubility, ductility, and malleability.

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A physical change affects the appearance or state of a substance without changing its chemical composition. This can include changes in shape, size, texture, or state of matter (solid, liquid, gas). Examples of physical changes include melting ice, tearing paper, and breaking a stick.

What properties are physical property?

Thermal conductivity, state, density, solubility, ductility, and malleability.

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Examples are: density, thermal conductivity, refractive index, viscosity.

What ar the 4 properties?

Examples are: density, thermal conductivity, refractive index, viscosity.

What the 4 properties of air?

Examples are: density, thermal conductivity, refractive index, viscosity.

How does the cold change matter?

Many physical properties depends on temperature: density, electrical conductivity, viscosity, etc.

What are physical properties of paint?

Examples: density, viscosity, hardness after drying, adhesivity, thermal and electrical conductivity, etc.

What are all physical characteristics of matter?

Density, color, texture, boiling point, conductivity, magnetic, malleability, melting point, flexibility, and hardness

What are phyiscal properties?

Physical properties are characteristics of a material that can be observed or measured without changing its identity. Examples include color, shape, size, density, melting point, boiling point, and conductivity. These properties help us identify and distinguish different substances.