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2w ago

Describing a geometric solid with only two dimensions may not provide a complete representation of its shape and structure. A geometric solid is best described in three dimensions to convey its full volume, surface area, and shape.

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Q: To describe a geometric solid it suffices to have two dimensions?
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To describe a solid in geometry it suffices to have two dimensions.?

The statement is FALSE.

Geometric object or figure having three dimensions?


Is a sphere a geometric solid?

yes because it has 3 dimensions.

Can a geometric solid exist in a plane?

no,A solid equire at least three dimensions to exist.

Is a polyhedron a solid?

Polyhedron is a geometric solid in three dimensions with flat faces and straight edges.

Steps how to determined the volume of regular solid?

1. Measure the dimensions of the solid. 2. Calculate the volume on this geometric base.

What does finding the volume of a prism mean?

A prism is a solid geometric object. If you know its shape and dimensions you can calculate its volume.

How many dimensions does a geometric solid occupy?

In the common use of the phrase "geometric solid", the answer is three. In advanced mathematics, dimensions greater than three are also studied. In many cases, the name of a plane (two-dimensional) figure has the ending "-gon" as in "hexagon", while the name of a solid figure (three dimensional) has the ending "-hedron" as in tetrahedron.

Difference between fractals and other geometric figures?

Traditional geometric figures have dimensions which are integers: 0 for a point, 1 for a line or Mobius strip, 2 for a plane figure or Klein bottle, and 3 for a solid. Fractals have dimensions which are not integers.

Is a cone a geometric solid or a polyhedron?

geometric solid

How many dimensions do solid shape have?

A geometric solid is defined in 3 dimensions.Theoretical MathematicsIn mathematics, the term "solid" is used to mean "an object that has the same dimensionality as the space under discussion." So it's possible to talk about 7-dimensional solids, which have 7 dimensions, or 23-dimensional solids, which have 23 dimensions. (This is different from the use of time as a "4th dimension".)

Is a rhombicuboctahedron a geometric solid?

Yes it is. Anything that is 3D is usually a geometric solid. (Think)