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We use y_y axes

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Q: To design a building which type of moment of inertia you use about xaxis about yaxis or polar moment of inertia?
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What is polar moment of inertia of motor load system?

It is impossible to tell you exactly what the polar moment of inertia is for a motor load system just from your question. We would need to know the specifications of the motor load system to make that calculation.

What math used in Mechanical Engineering?

First off, the question should be either "What math is used in Mechanical Engineering? or What is the highest level of math someone needs to take in order to become a Mechanical Engineer?" Most college programs require through Differential Equations to earn a BS degree in ME. This means you would need to take Calculus 1, 2, and 3, Linear Algebra, and Differential Equations once you get to college. It is assumed that most students going into engineering will have no less than Pre-Calculus before entering college while most will have taken Calculus. Now each college has different requirements for fulfilling the math requirements for an engineering program. I know from my experience, Georgia Tech teaches math differently than most colleges because they combine Calc 1-3 and Linear Algebra into just 3 courses instead of 4. My suggestion is look at the program requirements at the school you are interested in first. Second, evaluate whether you feel that you can learn the math. For those who struggle with math, if you really want to be an engineer, I suggest going to a smaller school where the class size will be smaller. This will have better student/teacher interaction so you can get more help.

Why water a polar solvent?

Hydrogen bonds

Molecule with a positive end and a negative end?

Polar molecules have partial negative and partial positive charges on opposing sides. They have a net dipole as a result of the opposing charges.

Why is top-down testing not an effective strategy for testing object oriented system?

Each object should be responsible for its own logic and data, and so each object's tests should be responsible for its own tests. The top-down approach is the polar opposite of this design, as the top level object would be responsible for testing all of its enclosed objects. This works well in procedural programming, but explicitly violates the concepts of object oriented programming, which states that no object should be concerned about the details of any other object's internal design.

Related questions

What is the unit for a polar moment of inertia?

Moment of inertia has unit kg m2

What is difference between polar moment of inertia and moment of inertia?

The polar moment of inertia measures an object's resistance to torsional deformation when subjected to a moment of force perpendicular to its axis, while the moment of inertia measures an object's resistance to angular acceleration when subjected to a twisting force. The polar moment of inertia accounts for distribution of mass around an axis, while the moment of inertia considers mass distribution relative to a specific axis.

What is polar moment of inertia of motor load system?

It is impossible to tell you exactly what the polar moment of inertia is for a motor load system just from your question. We would need to know the specifications of the motor load system to make that calculation.

How do you find Polar moment of inertia of a 3d rigid body?

The polar moment of inertia of a 3D rigid body can be found by integrating the square of the distance from the axis of rotation for all the infinitesimally small elements of mass in the body. This integral takes into account both the area moment of inertia and the mass distribution of the body. The final result is a measure of the body's resistance to torsional deformation.

What is rotational inertia?

Rotational inertia is sometimes called spin. It involves the movement of a mass around an axis. This moving mass will have some measure of kinetic energy that is due to the fact that it is spinning. The variables are the shape and the mass of the object, the way the mass is distributed within the object, the speed of its rotation, and the location of the axis of spin through the object. The moment of inertia might also be called angular mass, mass moment of inertia, rotational inertia, or polar moment of inertia of mass. Use the link below for more information.

What is torsional rigidity of a shaft?

It is defined as ratio of the product of modulus of rigidity and polar moment of inertia to the length of the shaft. Torsional Rigidity is caluclated as: Torsional Rigidity= C J/l

Is ki polar or non polar?

yes. it has a dipole moment.

Is NH3 has zero dipole moment?

No, NH3 does not have a zero dipole moment. Due to the different electronegativities of nitrogen and hydrogen, NH3 exhibits a net dipole moment, making it a polar molecule.

S2F2 is polar or non polar?

Think of the sulfite ion as a molecule with its geometry and dipole moment AND a net charge. The electron pair geometry is tetrahedral and the molecular geometry is trigonal pyramidal and because of its asymmetrical shape and polar bonds, sulfite has a net dipole moment (2.04D ). The ion is polar.

Does a polar molecule have a net dipole moment?

Yes, a polar molecule has a net dipole moment because it has a separation of charges, creating a partial positive and a partial negative end within the molecule. This results in an overall dipole moment, making the molecule polar.

Is IO2 polar?

Yes, IO2 is polar. The molecule has an uneven distribution of electrons which gives rise to a permanent dipole moment, making it polar.

Is PCl6 - polar or non polar?

PCl6- is nonpolar because the molecule has an octahedral geometry with all chlorine atoms arranged symmetrically around the central phosphorus atom, resulting in a balanced distribution of charge. This means that the molecule has no overall dipole moment.