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Q: To different elements is to bring them together into a whole?
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What word means different elements to bring them together into a whole?

what word means elements to bring each other as a whole

What is the purpose of a speech conclusion?

The conclusion of a speech should ideally bring together all the preceding elements of the speech into a coherent and meaningful whole.

Which is the best description of synthesis?

Synthesis is the process of combining separate elements or components to form a coherent whole. It involves bringing together different ideas, concepts, or data to create a new and original product or outcome.

Why are parks important to people?

Well there are a lot of different ways that parks help communities. Parks can help kids be active and lots of fun for the whole family. It can also bring a family together and bond together.

Atoms of different elements combine in whole number what?

That is the law of constant composition.

What is the definition of consolidate?

== == to bring together (separate parts) into a single or unified whole; unite; combine: found on

Who believed elements have their own atom?

Dalton, who got the idea from Democritis. Dalton turned this idea into a scientific theory which was All elements are composed of indivisible particles called atoms, Atoms of all elements are different from one another, Atoms of elements can mix together in whole number ratios to form compunds, and Chemical reactions occur as a result of when atoms are separated, joined, or rearranged.

The empirical formula may not represent the actual composition of a?

The empirical formula is the smallest whole number ratio of different elements in a molecule. The molecular formula has the actual number of atoms of different elements in a molecule

How many different ways can you mutiply two whole numbers together to get 36?

5 different ways isn't it

Why elements don't have whole numbers?

do you mean the why is the average atomic mass not a whole number? because if that is your question, then the answer is that each element has multipal isotopes and the mass you see on the periodic table is the average of all the isotopes together. So there has to be a decimal on the periodic table of elements

How do sports help building international relations among different nations?

Sports provide a common platform for people from different nations to come together, compete, and share experiences. Through sports competitions and events, individuals can develop mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation for each other's cultures. This can lead to the building of bridges and fostering of connections between nations, ultimately strengthening international relations.

What does the word integration mean?

It means the forming of any of the parts into a whole part. A common example would be the efforts made to bring together people of different religious convictions, to bring together people of different ethnic minorities to create a more peaceful situation.