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hi i been living in the uk all my life and i have never experienced such criminal abuse from my neighbours

they have bugged our property ever since we have moved in with infrared cameras covert microphones in walls and feed us continous radiation which can cause illnesses and desease my sister has gone bold with this constent 24/7 abuse and the police dont seem to attend to the emergency environmental health numbers never work and its been going on ever since we brought the property this neighbour has also stole a part of our land in the back garden and has never washed his clothes and never actually came out in the past they use to be abusive to their kids and have moved them away from our sights we never saw them again this neighbour is a half cast sikh n hindu and is extremely racist and a serial killer he has stalked me n my famliy everywhere we go with spy devices

he has got both our propertys cars propertys of our famliys around the world and has set up a hidden broadcast to stream us n abuse us with dubbed material i have seen alot of YouTube videos of me having a shower and my famliy memembers but deleted soon as i could copy them this radiation abuse has not only cause me to lose my life but has also degraded it he has set a network of gangs that are his race to distroy my career and my income and voilent abuses at night time via mind control i am current sittin here typing this as my privacy is being invaded and they will do anything to report what i am reporting from their side of veiw which is all lies i am willing to sue this person for stealing our info breaking an entry n stealing our tv and my dads laptop which he uses for work vandalizing our vehciles and constent backchatting and promoting our personal lives we have lost so much money as well as not able to find jobs as he would delete our emails he has managed to rip my character infront of many people as i'm a singer rapper producer ghostwriter perfomer etc.. i have produced over 10 , 000 tracks n he's oing anything to copy me every way by imitation to distroy my fan base i have to wait 8 months to take him to court because i dont have the right knowledge on who to ask for help i am suffering everyday in southall and i will make sure these people are noticed in the papers and the court would make some law to export all indians our of the country as it is not safe for us to live peacefully the neighbourhood has crowded with indians related to this person and has been taping us for 10 years .. harming our human rights culture personal living and god in the past he has forced me to do many things via mind control covert devices i have realised its not the way to live he has set us up many times for humiliation and is not stopping i need the press to come and explore my propety as we dont have any money can the sun news paper help me ? i have aluminimum foiled my windows and have spent countless money on accessories to protect my health i have also paid £300 and been tricked and conned to believe i had no bug when the bugs were thrown when taken out of my veichile and another man has purposedly crashed in to my car leaving me to sleep and stay at home (death bed) i am a muslim and a victim of discrimination and the person has alot of people that will tell their story since i am posting mine is there any way the sun can print my story in the paper and would donate something to resolve my situation i have been given voilent threats but i pay no attention to the fear and paranoa he wants me to believe in i pray to god most of the time and i have alot to offer to the world through education but he wants to steal the credit can the sun newspaper help me i could explain more in detail thanks imran malik 07590364546

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