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Of course blood involve in transportation of respiratory gases. So blood carry CO2 to lungs.

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Q: Transporting carbon dioxide to the lungs a function of blood?
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List the mechanisms for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood?

The mechanisms for transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood are the lungs. The blood vessels are also needed for transporting oxygen and dispelling carbon dioxide.

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each Red blood cell is capable of transporting oxygen, and carbon dioxide.

What is the major function of the blood in your body?

It carries carbon dioxide and oxygen.

What is the function of a rat's lung?

The lung function of a rat is to take in oxygen you breath and take it to the blood. Then it releases the carbon dioxide from your body.

What is the function of blood cells in the lungs?

The main function of blood cells in lungs is to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body

What is the function of your lungs?

the main function of our lungs in to take away carbon dioxide and refill the blood with oxygen

What is the function of the aveoli?

The function of the alveoli is to allow gas exchange with the blood and lungs. It takes in the carbon dioxide and then diffuses it.

What system are the lungs?

The lungs are in the respiratory system. This system is used mainly for transporting oxygen to the blood and exhaling carbon dioxide from the body.

How does carbon dioxide concentration help maintain homeostasis?

The brain monitors the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood, and if there is too much the respiratory function is increased.

What is carbon dioxides main function in the body system?

Carbon dioxide does not have a function. It is one of the products of the oxidation of carbohydrates - a process necessary to produce the energy required for the function of a body - and as such needs to be got rid of. It generally enters the bloodstream, then the lungs, from where it gets breathed out.Answer:The level of carbon dioxide in the blood provides a feedback to the breathing process. Low carbon dioxide levels (in hyperventilation) causes the decrease in blood to the brain and an accompanying feeling of lightheadedness.The carbon dioxide levels are also essential in maintaining the proper pH of the blood.

How does the oxygen change to carbon dioxide?

The primary function of the respiratory system is to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Inhaled oxygenenters the lungs and reaches the alveoli. Oxygen passes quickly through this air-blood barrier into the blood in the capillaries. Similarly, carbon dioxide passes from the blood into the alveoli and is then exhaled.