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Q: True or false -Does a front form outside two different air masses?
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Related questions

What is the border between two different air masses?

a front

What is the name of the boundary that separates different air masses?

A front is the boundary that separates different air masses. The two kinds of fronts are warm front and cold front.

Boundary between air masses of different temperatures?

A "front" is the interface between two air masses of different temperature.

What front involves three air masses of different temperatures?

An occluded weather front.

What boundary represent two different air masses?

A front.

The boundary that separates different air masses is called a?


What is the place were two air masses of different temperatures or moisture content meet?

a front is a meeting place between two air masses

What is a front in an air mass?

A front marks the boundary between air masses with different characteristics.

What front involves three air masses of different temperatures cold or warm?

weather front

What does a front have to do with air mass?

A front is an edge between two or more different air masses.

What a front?

A weather front is two masses of air that have different densities because of air temperature.

What a front is?

A weather front is two masses of air that have different densities because of air temperature.