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Q: True or false a velocity of 50 rad per min is a linear velocity?
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What is the trigonometric formula for rotational velocity?

Velocity = Radius x RPM For example if a body of 32 Inches in diameter rotating at 3600 rpm, the velocity is calculated by Velocity = 32/2 * 3600 Velocity = 57,200 inches per minute Velocity = 57,200 Inches/min * 60 Min/Hr * 1ft/12in * 1 mi/5280 ft Velocity = 54.5 miles per hr

How do you calculate initial velocity with time and absorbance as the variables?

Convert the velocity Vmax from ΔA/min to nmol/min (milliunits, mU). For example: 1 Unit = 1 U = 1 μmol PNP formed per min 1 milli-Unit = 1 mU = 1 nmol PNP formed per min Extinction coefficient ε for PNP at 410 nm = 15,000 M-1 cm-1 And the pathlength = 0.34 cm if the velocity v is determined to be 0.294 ∆A/min (absorbance units per min), then: 0.294 ∆A /min * M/(15,000 A * 0.34 cm) = 0.0000196 M/min = 19.6 μM/min = = 19.6 μmol / (liter * min) = 0.0196 μmol / (ml * min) The enzymatic reaction was carried out in 250 μl solution, hence the velocity of the enzyme is 0.0196 μmol / (ml * min) * 0.25 ml = 0.0049 μmol/min = 4.9 nmol/min PNP generated. v = 4.9 nmol/min = 4.9 mU

A train starting from rest attains a velocity of 72Km hr in 5 minutes. Assuming that the acceleration is uniform what is the distance travel by train while attained the velocity?

As the acceleration is uniform, the train has an average speed that is half the difference between the start and final velocities, which in this case is half the final velocity. 1 hr = 60 min 1 km/h = 1 km ÷ 1 hr = km ÷ 60 min = 1/60 km/min Distance = velocity × time = (½ × 72 × 1/60 km/min) × (5 min) = 36/60 × 5 km = 3 km

How many revolutions would a tire make in 45 sec if its anguar velocity were 35 rev min?

There are 60 sec in one min 35 rev/min x 45/60 = 26.25 revs

A science teacher drove 10 miles to school in 20 minutes He drove the 10 miles home in 30 min His average velocity was ms?

He drove 20 miles in 50 min. so average was 20 x 60/50 = 24 mph

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What is velocity at starting point when it tries to attain terminal velocity?

The velocity at the starting point when an object tries to attain terminal velocity is zero. As the object falls, it accelerates due to gravity until air resistance builds up to match the force of gravity, resulting in a constant terminal velocity being reached.

What unit is air velocity measured in?


Running with an acceleration of 3 m min2 is speeding up 3 m min for every meter traveled True or false?

False. An acceleration of 3 m/min^2 means that the velocity is increasing by 3 m/min for every second traveled, not every meter traveled.

What is the trigonometric formula for rotational velocity?

Velocity = Radius x RPM For example if a body of 32 Inches in diameter rotating at 3600 rpm, the velocity is calculated by Velocity = 32/2 * 3600 Velocity = 57,200 inches per minute Velocity = 57,200 Inches/min * 60 Min/Hr * 1ft/12in * 1 mi/5280 ft Velocity = 54.5 miles per hr

How do you calculate initial velocity with time and absorbance as the variables?

Convert the velocity Vmax from ΔA/min to nmol/min (milliunits, mU). For example: 1 Unit = 1 U = 1 μmol PNP formed per min 1 milli-Unit = 1 mU = 1 nmol PNP formed per min Extinction coefficient ε for PNP at 410 nm = 15,000 M-1 cm-1 And the pathlength = 0.34 cm if the velocity v is determined to be 0.294 ∆A/min (absorbance units per min), then: 0.294 ∆A /min * M/(15,000 A * 0.34 cm) = 0.0000196 M/min = 19.6 μM/min = = 19.6 μmol / (liter * min) = 0.0196 μmol / (ml * min) The enzymatic reaction was carried out in 250 μl solution, hence the velocity of the enzyme is 0.0196 μmol / (ml * min) * 0.25 ml = 0.0049 μmol/min = 4.9 nmol/min PNP generated. v = 4.9 nmol/min = 4.9 mU

What is a normal walking rate?

Average adult walking velocity on level surfaces is approximately 80 m/min. For men, it is about 82 m/min, and for women, about 79 m/min

A train starting from rest attains a velocity of 72Km hr in 5 minutes. Assuming that the acceleration is uniform what is the distance travel by train while attained the velocity?

As the acceleration is uniform, the train has an average speed that is half the difference between the start and final velocities, which in this case is half the final velocity. 1 hr = 60 min 1 km/h = 1 km ÷ 1 hr = km ÷ 60 min = 1/60 km/min Distance = velocity × time = (½ × 72 × 1/60 km/min) × (5 min) = 36/60 × 5 km = 3 km

You drive for 30 min for 30 km East and then another 30 min for 40 km North What if your average velocity for the entire trip is?


Evaluate whether the velocity of a jogger can be determined from the information that the jogger travels 2 km in 10 min?

No , because velocity is a vector quantity and it needs direction.

How many revolutions would a tire make in 45 sec if its anguar velocity were 35 rev min?

There are 60 sec in one min 35 rev/min x 45/60 = 26.25 revs

What is the average velocity of an earthquake's S-wave in the first 4 minutes of travel?

250 KL/Min

What is the true name of gumiho?

shin min ah