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Q: Two scarce resources are involved when making buying decisions?
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Sometimes there can be fees involved when buying online tickets and this may not be reflected in the price until checkout, it is always best to read any small print when making such purchases

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Economics is all about real life situations. All resources are limited and economics is simply about making decisions to use those resources efficiently.

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He is no longer directly involved in making them, but Zelda games will only stop being made when people stop buying them!

What best explains why goals are nescessary for making allocation decisions?

The available resources cannot be used to pursue every goal that each individual has.

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Individual consumer buying behaviour has to do with all the processes undertaken by the various individual buyers in evaluating and making decisions towards purchasing a product for self- ocnsumption, family use or as a gift to other parties where as organisational buying behaviour has to do with the processes undertaken by a business in evaluatig and making decisions geared towards purchasing prodcuts or raw materials for further prodcution, to be sold to consumers for profit.

What part of the brain makes decisions and solves problems?

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for making decisions and solving problems. It is involved in high-level cognitive functions such as reasoning, planning, and self-control.

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Which of the following best explains why goals are necessary for making allocation decisions?

The available resources cannot be used to pursue every goal that each individual has.

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The prefrontal cortex is the section of the brain responsible for making decisions. It is involved in complex cognitive behavior, decision making, and moderating social behavior. Damage to this area can lead to difficulties in decision-making and impulse control.

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Stewardship is the responsible management and oversight of resources or assets to ensure their sustainable use and conservation for future generations. It involves making decisions that prioritize the long-term well-being of the resources and the environment.

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