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i go with ruarl

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23h ago

Yes, agricultural activities are more common in rural areas due to the availability of land and fewer urban developments. These areas typically have large expanses of farmland where crops are grown and livestock is raised. Residents in rural areas often rely on agriculture as a significant source of income and livelihood.

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Q: U are more likely to find agricultural activities in this area rural city?
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What changes can you observe in your chosen area?

i observe in my chosen area it is the rural area in court add me in fb anoragape@y.c xD

What is the generic term for a cluster of agricultural and ecological activities in a river catchment area designed to raise the ground water level and increase the natural water for good crop?

The generic term for this cluster of activities is "integrated water management practices." These practices are designed to improve water availability for agriculture in a sustainable manner by increasing ground water levels and enhancing natural water sources in a river catchment area.

What is the maximum speed limit in a rural area?

The maximum speed limit in a rural area can vary by location and country. In the United States, for example, it is typically around 55-70 mph on rural highways and interstates. It is important to be aware of and follow the posted speed limit signs in the area you are driving.

Why is it safer to live in a rural area during an earthquake?

It is generally safer to live in a rural area during an earthquake because there are fewer tall buildings and infrastructure that could collapse or cause harm. Additionally, rural areas tend to have more open spaces, reducing the risk of being trapped by debris. Finally, population density is typically lower in rural areas, which may lead to less overall impact and potential for harm during an earthquake.

What area of earth science is likely to involve the study of climate?

Climatology is the area of earth science that involves the study of climate, including its patterns, variations, and changes over time. It focuses on understanding the factors that influence climate, such as atmospheric conditions, ocean currents, and human activities.

Related questions

What are the features of a rural area?

Features of a rural area typically include lower population density, agricultural activities, natural landscapes, limited infrastructure and services, and a close-knit community.

Is a farm urban suburban or rural?

A farm is typically classified as rural, as it is usually located in a rural area with a focus on agricultural activities such as crop production or animal husbandry. Urban areas tend to be more densely populated with more developed infrastructure, while suburban areas lie in between urban and rural regions.

Can you name two things that have to do with an agricultural area?

Crop fields and farm equipment are common features of an agricultural area.

How many people work in the countryside?

The number of people working in the countryside can vary greatly depending on the size of the area and the type of agricultural activities taking place. It may include farmers, farm laborers, agricultural workers, and other professionals involved in rural industries.

Role of regional rural bank for agricultural credit?

i want to do a research in the area of agriculture finance in developed countries

What is a Countryside area called?

A countryside area is often called a rural area, characterized by its open spaces, agricultural land, and low population density compared to urban areas.

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What is agricultural density?

Agricultural density refers to the ratio of the number of farmers to the amount of arable land in a specific area. It helps to understand the level of agricultural activity and the pressure on land resources in a given region.

What is a rural dweller?

A rural dweller is someone who lives in a rural area, which is typically characterized by its small population, open spaces, and agricultural or natural surroundings. Rural dwellers often have a different lifestyle and access to different resources compared to those living in urban areas.

Definition of rural-urban fringe?

The rural-urban fringe is the transitional zone between rural and urban areas, where urban and rural land uses mix. This area typically experiences competition between agricultural activities and urban development. It may have characteristics of both rural and urban environments.

Why are urban areas located were they are?

Between a city and the rural countryside is the urban area. The urban area is often densely populated with housing and inhabited by people who don't usually have agricultural jobs.