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Q: Unused neurotransmitters are absorbed in a process called?
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What is the process of a neurotransmitter being absorbed into the axon terminal?

When an action potential reaches the axon terminal, it triggers the opening of voltage-gated calcium channels. Calcium ions enter the axon terminal, leading to the fusion of neurotransmitter-containing vesicles with the synaptic membrane. The neurotransmitter is then released into the synaptic cleft where it can bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron.

What is the process by which neurotransmitters reenter terminal buttons and are repackaged for future use?

Reuptake - process by which neurotransmitters are taken back into the synaptic vesicles.

What chemical substances that are absorbed by the body through the process are called?

These substances are called nutrients.

What happens to the neurotransmitters that fail to attach to a receptor site?

In a process called reuptake, they are reabsorbed by sending the neuron and recycled.

What happens to neurotransmitters that fail to attach to a receptor site?

In a process called reuptake, they are reabsorbed by sending the neuron and recycled.

What are chemical substances that are absorbed by the body through the process of digestion called?

These substances are called nutrients.

What are the chemical substances that are absorbed by the body through the process of digestion called?

These substances are called nutrients.

What are Chemical substances that are absorbed by the body through the process of digestion?

These substances are called nutrients.

Process of breaking down food?

The process of breaking down food is called digestion.

What is it called when neurotransmitters are recycled?


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