

Use the word ambitious in a sentence?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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My teacher said that my goal of becoming a star was ambitious.

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Q: Use the word ambitious in a sentence?
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Give you a sentence using the word ambitious?

Sarah was ambitious in her goals; She was willing to do anything to be the best.

How to use ambitious in a sentence?

The class was full of ambitious students. I was ambitious to ask my crush out. The wild zoo was full of ambitious animals!

Can you give me a sentence with the word ambitious in it?

She set ambitious goals for her career and worked tirelessly to achieve them.

Can you give me a sentence for the word ambitious?

The king was an ambitious man and did not care for his country, only wanted the gold and taxes that his people payed.

What is a personification sentence with the word ambitious?

The ambitious sun reached its peak in the sky, eager to shine brightly and light up the world with its radiant energy.

What part of speech is the word qualified in the sentence we must hire only qualified ambitious graduates?

"Qualified" is an adjective. And so is the word "ambitious". Both words modify the noun "graduates", which is what an adjective does.

What is a sentence using the word ambitious?

She set ambitious goals for herself, aiming to climb the ranks in her career and start her own business within the next five years.

How do you use ambitious in a meaningful sentence?

To love fully is a common ambition. My current ambition is to win this race today.

How do you write a sentence with ambitious?

In his youth, Barak Obama was an ambitious man.

How do you make a sentence using ambitious?

Our ambitious neighbor has a lemonade stand out front! These ambitious plans will impress our superiors.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word ambitious?

more ambitious and most ambitious