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Q: Using imagination in writing is a form of lying True or False?
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Slaves were guaranteed their freedom in the new US of America because of the declaration of independence true or false?

It is true. It is false trust me i know im not lying. It is false trust me i know im not lying. It is false trust me i know im not lying. It is false because Linclon freed the slaves.

What is an example of paradoxes?

The below statement is false. The above statement is true. I am lying. I am lying when I say I am lying.

What does the prefix psuedo- mean?

False, lying.

What makes a marriage license not valid?

Failing to fill out the application accurately. Using false names, lying about not being married are two big ones.

What are false intentions?

False intention is an intention that you believe is a wrong or bad intention. Or, a False Intention is falsifying or lying about your intentions.

What is the difference between lying and truth?

Lying involves intentionally deceiving others by providing false information, while truth involves revealing accurate and honest information. Lying damages trust and can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts, whereas truthfulness promotes transparency and fosters authentic relationships.

What is a good name for an essay about lying?

If you are for lying, "No Matter the Lies" If you are against lying, "True or False?", sorry they suck, but may generate some ideas right?

What is an example of a sentence using the word lying?

When I came into your apartment. Your cat was lying around.

What is making false statement to public servant?

Essentially, lying to a police or federal officer, or a judge, or lying under oath.

What is the synonym for dishonest?

Lying, untruthful, false, mendacious, misleading, unscrupulous...

What is false testimony mean in the bible?

False testimony (or false witness) in the Bible (and anywhere else) is basically lying. So if you see something, then lie about that to somebody, you are bearing false testimony (or false witness).

Is it true that lying by the police to obtain a confession is a violation of the fifth amendment?

No, that is false.