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1:00 pm... You can check military time chart in MilitaryTimeClockChart . com

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Q: Using the 24 hour clock what time is 1300?
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What time is 1900?

That time is using a 24 hour clock instead of a 12 hour, so 1pm is 1300, to figure any time out past 12, subtract 12 from it and add pm 1900=7:00pm

How do you convert 13 into time?

13, as in 1300 hours? That's 1 pm on the 24 hour clock (easy conversion, if the time is larger than 1200, subtract 1200 to get the time equivalent on the 12 hour clock)

What is the time 415 am using the 24 hour clock?


What is an analog clock?

An analog clock is a clock with numbers in a circle and a minute and hour hand to tell the time.

What is the difference between 12 hour clock time and 24 hour clock time?

A twelve hour clock has 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 and is the standard form time clock. A 24 hour clock has times starting at 1-12, but after it will start with 13 as 1 p.m. all the way to 24 or 00 as 12 midnight.

Is a analog clock is a 12 hour clock or a 24 hour clock?

12 hour clock but could say the time in a 24 hour clock Analogue describes construction, not hours. It can be either.

What time is 14.30 time in military time?

1430 military time is 2:30 pm civilian time. The time zone is often added; 1430 EST, PST, or whatever is appropriate. Note that military (and European) time is based on a 24-hr clock, as opposed to the civilian 12-hour clock.

What is time in 12 hr system if it is 0600GMT in Kenya?

6:00 A.M. (Ante-meridiem) At 1300 GMT, a 12 hour clock will display 1:00 P.M. (Post-meridiem)

What is the advantage of using a 24-hour clock?

24-hour time notation is more compact and less ambiguous, since you don't need to add "A.M." or "P.M." to be specific about a time.

Is a clock that is set five minutes fast is less precise than an identical clock that keeps correct time?

Precision is based on the cycle and not the time on the face. An hour is an hour no matter what the time is on the clock.

What is the different between 12 hour's clock and 24 hour's clock?

12 hour clock's have am and pm. 24 hour clock's (military time) is 00:00 through 23:59. Midnight on a 12 hour clock is 12:00am, on a 24 hour clock is 00:00. So 23:59 would be 11:59pm.

How many times after 300 will the hands of a clock overlap?

Infinitely many. They will not stop overlapping -from time to time - as long as the clock keeps on working.