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Vanesa Perez Cabrera

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Q: Using the phase diagram for CO2, what phase is carbon dioxide in at 12 atm pressure and -40 C apex?
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Using the phase diagram for CO2 what phase is carbon dioxide in at -60C and 15 ATM pressure?

(Explanation): If you look at the phase diagram for CO2, and you draw a lines where the temperature and pressure meet, you will see that the point will be inside the zone that is 'solid', so it is in the solid state.

When a lemonade bottle is opened bubbles of carbon dioxide form. Explain using Le Chatelier's Principle?

When a lemonade bottle is opened, the pressure inside the bottle decreases, causing the equilibrium between carbon dioxide and dissolved carbon dioxide in solution to shift towards the production of more carbon dioxide bubbles to relieve the pressure. This shift is in accordance with Le Chatelier's Principle, which states that a system will shift its equilibrium position in response to a stress applied to it.

Give the test for carbon dioxide?

The most common colorimetric test for carbon dioxide gas involves using limewater (calcium hydroxide solution). When carbon dioxide is bubbled through limewater, it forms a white precipitate of calcium carbonate, indicating the presence of the gas. Additionally, using a pH indicator paper that changes color in the presence of carbon dioxide can also be a simple test.

What is an example of a chemical name using prefixes?

Carbon dioxide

Which organism gets its carbon from carbon dioxide?

Plants are organisms that obtain carbon from carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. They convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates, which they use as a source of energy and building blocks for growth.

Related questions

What phase is carbon dioxide in at 20C and 25 ATM pressure Using the phase diagram for CO2?

solid, I just took the text on apex

Using the phase diagram for CO2 what phase is carbon dioxide in at -60C and 15 ATM pressure?

(Explanation): If you look at the phase diagram for CO2, and you draw a lines where the temperature and pressure meet, you will see that the point will be inside the zone that is 'solid', so it is in the solid state.

How do bubbles get in to coke?

Carbon dioxide is forced into the liquid at high pressure, causing some of it to dissolve (actually, even at normal pressures some carbon dioxide will dissolve in water, but using higher pressure makes more of it dissolve).

Using the phase diagram for CO2 what phase is carbon dioxide in at -20C and 1 ATM pressure?

The triple point of Carbon Dioxide is 216.55 K (−56.60 °C) and 517 kPa (5.10 atm). Since that puts the pressure (1 atm) below the triple point pressure (5.1 atm) we are only concerned with the where the solid/vapor equilibrium line falls relative to the temperature. At 1 atm, the sublimation temperature of Carbon Dioxide is -78.5 °C - considerably below -20 °C so that puts the Carbon Dioxide firmly in the vapor region of the phase diagram.

When a lemonade bottle is opened bubbles of carbon dioxide form. Explain using Le Chatelier's Principle?

When a lemonade bottle is opened, the pressure inside the bottle decreases, causing the equilibrium between carbon dioxide and dissolved carbon dioxide in solution to shift towards the production of more carbon dioxide bubbles to relieve the pressure. This shift is in accordance with Le Chatelier's Principle, which states that a system will shift its equilibrium position in response to a stress applied to it.

What are the benefits of using carbon dioxide detectors?

Very simple: to detect carbon dioxide and to avoid accidents.

What are the disadvantages of using the new carbon dioxide dry cleaning?

Some disadvantages of using carbon dioxide dry cleaning include the high upfront cost of equipment, limited availability of CO2 machines compared to traditional methods, and potential regulatory challenges due to the handling and disposal of CO2. Additionally, the cleaning process may take longer compared to traditional methods.

What do you use carbon dioxide?

Well I use carbon dioxide in my fire extinguisher. What do you use carbon dioxide, or to put it another way? In what do you use carbon dioxide? Humans breathe out carbon dioxide... Breathing it out is not exactly using it. That would be more like making it.

How much volume of carbon dioxide is required to be bubbled through lime water to precipitate 20 gram of calcium carbonate?

To determine the volume of carbon dioxide needed, you would need to know the stoichiometry of the reaction between carbon dioxide and calcium carbonate. In this case, since 20 grams of calcium carbonate is given, you would convert that to moles using the molar mass of calcium carbonate. Then, using the balanced equation, you can determine the mole ratio between carbon dioxide and calcium carbonate. Finally, using the molar volume of carbon dioxide gas at the given conditions (usually 22.4 L/mol at standard temperature and pressure), you can calculate the volume of carbon dioxide needed.

Does fermentation provide energy for a cell without using carbon dioxide?

Fermentation produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. Burning the alcohol produces more carbon dioxide.

Using the atomic theory how the carbon dioxide in the breath that you exhale is the same as the carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks?

Both the carbon dioxide in your breath and in carbonated drinks are composed of one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms, following the molecular formula CO2. The atomic theory states that all matter is composed of atoms that combine in specific ratios to form molecules, which applies to both scenarios. This similarity in composition shows how the same fundamental building blocks can create different substances depending on their arrangement.

What should you not touch the horn or connecting pipe when using a carbon dioxide extinguisher?

why should uou not touch the horn or pipe when using carbon dioxide extinguisher