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yes Natalie portman is very beautiful.

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She looks exactly like Natalie Portman the actress. Because Natalie Portman plays her in the movies.

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That's unknown but if they do have kids probably will look like them.

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she is a orphan and she has brown hair and she has a big nose.

Is genevieve hannelius related to Natalie wood?

No,she isn't but they realy look like each other,especialy when Natalie Wood was about Genevieve age.

What does Natalie Grant look like?

Blond hair, blue eyes, look her picture on her CD's and image google.

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They look like their kids

What does a roman child's tantrum look like?

A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.A Roman child's tantrum would look exactly like the tantrums of today's children. Kids are kids, no matter when they lived.

What do the littluns look like from lord of the flies?

They look like little kids.