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There were no suburbs in the 1800's. They didn't develop until the car was invented and people began to move away from the city center. The real development of suburbs came after WW2 when the men came home from the war, found jobs in the new industrial centers, and moved families into the new housing developments.

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Q: WHY Many people were able to live in the suburbs in the late 1800s?
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How were people able to live in the suburbs in the late 1800's?

People were able to live in the suburbs in the late 1800s due to the expansion of railways, streetcars, and affordable transportation options. Suburbs offered a quieter, more spacious environment away from city centers, and improvements in infrastructure made commuting to work in the city more feasible. Additionally, technological advancements and changing social norms allowed for the development of suburban communities.

Why were the people able to live in the suburbs?

They could get to work on trains

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through telegrams

Why were people able to live in he suburbs?

What made people want to live in suburbs was originally to get away from all of the pollution and dirt and grime from the factories they worked at. I'm not sure about this but i think the first real suburbs where in the late 1800's apex- They could get to work on trains.

Which technological advance allowed people in the 1800s to understand the changes taking place?

Telegrams was a way people in the 1800's were able to follow the different changes that were happening to them.

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What was the principal reason for the success of European colonialism in Asia in the late 1800s?

The main reason why Europe was able to colonialize Asian countries in the late 1800s was because they were able to dominate the military and commercial relations with Asia.

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In the 1800s credit was just getting started. Christopher Thompson, a furniture merchant, advertised the first line of credit in 1730 for people who wanted to buy expensive things but need more time to pay it off.

Did Suburbs grow as a result of the increased availability of automobiles and public transportation?

Certainly, as the personal vehicle became more attainable, and public transportation more abundant people were able to move away from the crowded cities and into the countryside.

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as the first car available to the proletariat, the commoners, people were able to move outside of the city and form suburbs--you could say the model t led to urban sprawl.