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Q: War debts owed by Germany to the allies were called?
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What were war debts owed by Germany to the allies called?


When did Britain pay off WW1 debt?

Put simply, it hasn't. Loan repayments stopped in 1934 and have never restarted. The official government statement on this is "Neither the debt owed to the United States by the UK nor the larger debts owed by other countries to the UK have been serviced since 1934, nor have they been written off."

Did Germany ever repay debts owed as result of world war 2?

A few weeks ago (in April 2006) Britain finally repaid the very last instalment of its war-time and immediate post-war debts, with interest. Some of it was, but most of it simply disappeared. American politicians at the time were more concerned with building up Western Europe into a viable economic/military block that could withstand a Soviet onslaught, so the government was extremely forgiving with most European countries' loans (the one possible exception was West Germany, but even they were allowed to forget about a good portion of their debts).

Why did Germany want to start another war?

Because in the Treaty of Versailles after ww1 Britain, France and lots of other countries decided that Germany had to:Lose land - lots of itDecrease their army hugelyPay off all money owed to countries and except full blame for the first world war.Not saying it was right but honestly would you be happy if that happened to you?

How much was Britain in debt after World War 1?

Quite a bit. The UK became one of the largest debtors in the world. One of the reasons the Germans were hit so hard with reparations in the Treaty of Versailles was because the Brits and French were determined to make the Germans pay off their respective debts, especially to the United States.

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What were war debts called owed by Germany to allies?


What were war debts owed by Germany to the allies called?


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Debt held by businesses is called Business debt

How much did the US Owed in war debts?

The US didnt owe any Germany did about $25 billion

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Germany had to use all of it's country's money to pay off debts owed after world war 1

Debts owed by a business are referred to as?

Debt held by businesses is called Business debt.Liabilities of the business.

In Dawes Plan who did the US lend money to?

The Dawes Plan was an attempt to reschedule reparation payments being made by Germany to the two major Allies of World War I. No reduction of the amount owed by Germany was made in the Dawes Plan. American bankers loaned money to Germany and Germany made payments to Britain and France. Britain and France used some of that money to pay debts to American creditors. As a result, the European economy became stagnant and the American economy also began to suffer. Money that was supposed to go into the nation's economy simply went in circles to pay off debts owed as a result of the war.

How were the economies of the US and Germany linked before the Great Depression?

britian owed money to the united states from the war

Do Debts owed by a business are referred to as?

Liabilities Liabilities

Can an estate collect debt?

Yes, in fact it is the obligation of the estate to collect all valid debts owed to the decedent. Debts owed to a decedent are considered assets of the estate. The estate's representative has authority to demand that all debts owed to a decedent be paid to the estate. If the debtor refuses to pay, the estate representative has legal power to sue to collect those debts if it has to do so.

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