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Q: Was Amun the name of the first pharaoh?
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When did amon-ra become pharaoh?

Amun ruled Egypt over 4 thousand years ago. After gaining popularity, he regarded himself as a god king and declared his name Amun-Ra.

What is Amun-Ra holding on to?

A crook and flail. They are the traditional weapons for the pharaoh.

Was amun the sun god of Egypt?

No-- Amun was the sun-disk god Egyptians were forced to worship when Akhenaten was pharaoh. Ra/Re is the traditional sun god of Ancient Egypt.

Is the TV series Tutenstein based on the Pharaoh Tutankhamun?

TUTENSTEIN is the nickname of a 10-year-old Pharaoh named Tut-ankh-en-set-Amun ( meaning "The Living Image of the Place of Amun") And Yes I think from the sounds of it Too hit it in one. Having seen the cartoon however I feel that is just about where the connection with the real person "Tut-ankh-en-set-Amun" ends.

What does the name amun mean?

Amun The most powerful god in Egyptian theology, Amun was considered to be the divine "father" of all pharaohs.

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How did king Tutankhamun get his nickname?

Tutankhamun's birth name from Tutankhaten, which means "living image of the Aten. His father had changed the religion of the country and the capital. When he became king, his advisors suggested he return to the old religion and a change of name back to the "living image of Amun."

Who was the first pharaoh that enslaved the Hebrews?

There was only 1 Pharaoh that enslaved the Hebrews, but his name is not mentioned in the Torah.

What the name of Egypt gods?

He was known as Ra (also called Re, Amun-Ra or Amun-Re)

What is the god of Egypt name?

He was known as Ra (also called Re, Amun-Ra or Amun-Re)

In ancient Egypt which pharaoh and queen had their name erased from many monument and why?

Pharaoh: Neferkheperure-waenre Amenhotep IV/Akhenaten Wife: Nefertiti Akhenaten completely changed the balance of power of the previous regime. He introduced a modified religion based on the sun's disc. He founded the city of Amarna and lived there to establish a revitalised political/religious outlook, removing the control of the corrupt Amun priesthood of Thebes, the previous capital. After Akhenaten's death they destroyed all evidence of the city and returned power to Thebes, installing his teenage son TutAnkhAmon as pharaoh, and restored Amun to primacy amongst the gods as patron of their regime. When the young pharaoh died/was assassinated, a priest took over as pharaoh.

What achievements did King Tutankhamun have?

Tutankhamun became Pharaoh at the age of nine in 1332 B.C. His accomplishments included restoring the worship of the god Amun.