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Q: Was Colonial Georgia a Good or Bad colony?
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What type of colony is Georgia?

Georgia is a hard colony, such as people loosing jobs and being bad in debt.

What was the government system for colony Georgia?

it was very bad because they didnt have a good system that they could stick with. Alot of slaves was still there

What was a bad thing abot colonial Pennsylvania?

They had slavery, but William Penn (The Founder of the colony) promoted good treatment for slaves they could marry each other etc.

Did colonial virginia have good or bad land?

Colonial Virginia did not have good land. It was too wet and bred to many mosquitoes.

What religious problems made the colony of Georgia look bad?

because they didnt think blkacks were equal :(

Were there slaves in colonial Georgia?

Da Best AnswerSlavery in Colonial New York was not as bad as the New England Colonies.New York actually gave their slaves freedom after a certain number of years and treated them as part of their family and community in some cases. It generally lacked the brutality associated with the deep south.Yes in addition to indentured servitude.

What was life like in colonial Africa?

Good if you where white but bad if black.

Was southern colony land good or bad?

it had very rich soil

What is the Cinderella colony?

A "Cinderella Conony" means that a colony is really bad and then it becomes good again and then it goes bad again. Like Cinderella she was a survent then she was all glamorous then she became a servant again. etc

If you have opportunity to go to the colony of Pennsylvania as an indentured servant What if your contract calls for you to work five years and then you will be free man?

Not a bad contract for colonial times. You'd be know as a bondsman.

Is Georgia a bad state?

If you thought it was bad, that would be your opinion. If you thought it was good, that would be your opinion too. It all depends on what you think.

What was weather in colonial times?
