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At the time, they weren't myths, they believed it or at least I think they did. Therefore, it wasn't Science but Religon.

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Q: Was Greek mythology science for Greeks?
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Is Greek mythology awesome?

It certainly was to the Ancient Greeks.

Is Greek mythology like a bible to the Greeks?

no... they are more like folk tales... Greek Mythology has nothing to do with religion.

What is mythology of the Greek?

the miracle of greek mythology is that without it we will not know how the Greeks felt and thought untold ages ago.

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In Greek mythology, the Greeks built the horse.

What is the miracle of Greek mythology?

the miracle of greek mythology is that without it we will not know how the Greeks felt and thought untold ages ago.

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The first Greek myth was in the 8th century BC, But the end of Greek mythology is impossible to answer

Is greek mythology part of a ethnic group?

Yes, the Greeks.

What is Greek mytholgy?

Greek Mythology, also called Classical Mythology is the ancient religion of the ancient Greeks: as reported and reduced by Greek poets of old.

What is the difference between greek mythology then and now?

At Greeks time, it was not mythology but now it is. For the ancient Greeks, it was their religion, now it is a collection of interesting stories.

Does making fun of Greek mythology insult Greeks?

Cause the greek were the ones that invented it

Why did the anient Greeks create mythology?

The Greeks and Roman created Greek Mythology because they didn't have scientists or science technology to explain natural phenomenon. For example, they didn't know why volcano's explode like we do- so it is easy for them to say that an angry god that works in the volcano (Hephaestus) got angry and caused the eruption, and than really believe that. Or when we have hurricanes, they just say Poseidon is angry and wants to punish mankind. Greek 'Mythology' was not just stories to them- it was science.

Was there centaurs in Greek mythology?

Yes. Centaurs were created by the greeks (mythologically)