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Judahism was developed by Abraham

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Q: Was Judaism influenced by Mithraism
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Did chrisianity come from Judaism?

it was influenced by judaism

Bible influenced what three religions?

The Bible influenced the three religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

What religion came first mithraism or Judaism?

Judaism came first. Mithra-ism was practiced in the Roman empire between the 1st and 4th centuries. Judaism dates back thousands of years possibly as far back as 2000 BCE.

Which religion came from Judaism?

Christianity. Islam was also heavily influenced by Judaism.

What religions were influenced by judaism?

Christianity and Islam ^^

What are the 2 main religions influenced by Judaism?

Christianity and Islam.

What religious belief most influenced both Christianity and Islam?

AnswerCertainly, Judaism influenced both Christianity and Islam - they have their roots in Judaism. Some say that Zoroastrianism also had a considerable influence on both religions, both directly and indirectly, through its influence on Judaism.

Where is Judaism most influenced today?

The United States and Israel, primarily.

What ancient religious belief influenced both Christianity and Islam?


What laws and values of Western civilization do you feel have been influenced most by Judaism?

All of our western laws and values have been influenced to some extend by Judaism. This is because basically our laws are derived from the ten commandments.

How had Judaism influenced Western Civilization?

See the attached Related Link for a vivid description.

Who is consider the patriarch of judaism Christianity Islam?

Abraham founded Judaism. Christianity and Islam are daughter-religions of Judaism.See also the Related Links.Link: How Abraham founded JudaismLink: Was Islam's inception influenced by Judaism