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Melchizadek is referred to as the king of Salem (thought by some to be Jerusalem, although Ezekiel seems to suggest otherwise) and a priest. He is considered by some to be a type of the Messiah, while some view him as a theophany of Christ.

AnswerThe name Melchizedek means 'Righteous King'. He was the king of Jerusalem (Shalem) during Abraham's time as well as a priest.

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13y ago

Melchizedek was the king of Salem (an older name for Jerusalem) and priest of the most high God who accepted tithes from and blessed Abraham when Abraham was returning from his victory against the four kings Cheorlaomer, Tidal, Amraphel, and Arioch. This story is related in Genesis 14:18-20 and Hebrews 10:1-28.

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12y ago

We 1st read of Melchizedek in Genesis 14:18, as the 'king of Salem' (which later became known as Jerusalem) and the king of righteousness in the days of Abraham. We find Abraham 'tithing' (a tenth of your riches/wealth/spoils) to God's High Priest, Melchizedek. This Melchizedek was eternal, 'having neither beginning of days, nor end of life...abideth a priest continually' (Hebrews 7:3). This verse indicates that He probably was High Priest even from the time of Adam. The ancient patriarchs financed this ministry of God on Earth by the tithing system (Genesis 48:15), so before the time of Moses, the tithe had been paid directly to Melchizedek.

But in Numbers 18: 21, 24, upon Israel's deliverance from Egypt, God sets Aaron's family in highest authority over the Levites. As priests, they were to receive a tithe from the income of all the other Levites. This system continued until Christ's death and resurrection (Hebrews 6:20; 7:25-27).

Since Melchizedek was without descent, was 'like unto the Son of God,' and abides as High Priest forever continually, and since Jesus Christ is NOW High Priest, Mechizedek and Jesus Christ are one and the same Person!!

Remember what is written in John 1:1-3, both members of the God Family have existed eternally (Psalms 90:2; Hebrews 1:8, 10-12; 1 Timothy 1:17). As impossible for our finite minds to grasp how these two immortal supreme Beings could have always existed, we need to do so. It is like electricity which we still do not understand but we know it exists and is very real. In my Freshman year in a Catholic HS, my teacher/brother taught about electricity using the 'demon theory.' I still don't understand it, but I know it exists.

AddendumIn the Book of Jasher M. is identified as Shem.
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10y ago

In The Bible, Melchizedek was introduced as the king of Salem and a priest of El Elyon. He was introduced in the 14th chapter of the Book of Genesis and his name could be translated to mean my king is righteous.

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7y ago

The Book of Hebrews chapters 5 thru 7 is telling us his true identity - Jesus Christ, our one and only eternal High Priest.

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14y ago

Not literally. Jesus is the only true God. However, Melchizedek is regarded as a type of Christ. Hebrews 5 contains information on the relationship between the two.

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14y ago

Melchizedek was a prince who worshipped God and is regarded as a type of Christ.

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There is no record of his father.

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Which book of new testament compare jesus to melchizedek?

(Hebrews 6:20)

Was melchizedek Jesus Christ?

No. He was priest and king of Salem, a city identified with Jerusalem. Hebrews 5-7 refers to Jesus' eternal priesthood as being of the "order of Melchizedek" as opposed to Levitical in nature, citing Ps. 110:4.

Why is Melchizedek considered a type of Christ?

After the victory, Abraham and Lot travled back to thier homes on their way they met a king named Melchizedek is a priest king who offers sacriface to god and to show love for God and others and which Melchizedek type of christAdditional Answer:Paul writes in Hebrew 7 about Melchizedek. Some scholars believe this priest was actually the preincarnate Jesus - 'like the Son of God' in that the Word was not yet born as Jesus, the Son of God.

Who is Mechisedec and his role in God's kingdom?

Melchizedek is a mysterious figure in the Bible, mentioned in the book of Genesis and Hebrews. He was a priest and king of Salem who blessed Abraham. Melchizedek's role is often interpreted as a prefiguration of Christ, representing a priesthood that is eternal and superior. This connection is emphasized in the New Testament to illustrate Christ's role as the ultimate high priest.

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Where did Melchesidec from the bible come from?

It is not known where he originated. Some consider him to be a theophany of Christ, based on the description in Hebrews. Melchizedek is understood to be from Salem which became to be known as Jerusalem check out Genesis 14 verse 18 Melchizedek was a high priest and the writer of Hebrews makes reference to Jesus and Melchizedek in the New Testament some scholars suggest Melchisedek was a pre-symbol of Jesus nature as the High Priest which links to Hebrews

Did Jesus fulfill the office of Priest because He was a Temple priest when he was here on earth?

No Jesus was not a temple priest. After His death, burial, and resurrection He became the High Priest of God for mankind when they believe on Him. Jesus' priesthood is after the order of Melchizedek.

Did Melchizedek of the bible die?

He was never recorded as dying. The word Melchizedek in Hebrew means King of Righteousness, so this is a title rather than a name. The word is recorded three times in the Bible, so this mysterious man is rather unknown. There are some who think that Jesus was/is Melchizedek, and of course, others do not. It is interesting to note that Melchizedek is part of an "order". Meaning that he is one of many "kings of righteousness", so with that in mind, it is little wonder that it is not recorded that he ever died.

Who buried Melchizedek?

The bible does not tell us what happened to Melchizedek.

Why did Jesus call the priest after the order of Melchizedek in Hebrew 5 10?

Melchizedek (a king and priest) lived some 600 years before the Levitical priesthood was instituted. Levitical priests were priests because of their genealogy. Melchizedek (without any genealogy) and Jesus were not Levites. Christ was of the tribe of Judah. The Levites offered animal sacrifices; Jesus offered Himself. In the days of Moses, the tribe of Levi was set apart for priesthood. Later, another family was set apart for kings. The kings ruled the people while the priests offered sacrifices. Christ was both King and Priest; similiar to, but far greater than Melchizedek. Another View: The Genesis account of Abram giving tithes to Melchizedek, King David's Psalm 110:1-4, and Paul's 3 chapters in Hebrews (5 thru 7), will eventually point the reader to conclude that the identity of Melchizedek was the pre-existing Word in the Old Testament (Logos), who lowered Himself and was begotten by His Father to become Jesus our Christ some 2,000 years after blessing Abram. See related link for details:

Did Melchizedek received a tithe from David?

No Melchizedek did not receive a tithe from David.

What is the modern name of melchizedek?

Melchizedek is not a personal name but a title or role in the Bible, meaning "king of righteousness." There is no modern name associated with Melchizedek as he is a historical and biblical figure.