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In Greek myth, yes.

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Q: Was Persephone immortal
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What were Persephone's Work Experience?

Persephone didn't work. She was an immortal, not a human.

What abilities did Persephone have?

Ageless Immortal Goddess

Does Hades turn persophone immortal?

She always was immortal, Persephone is a Goddess. She is Hades' Wife and Queen.

Is Persephone mortal or immortal?

She is immortal, because she is queen of the Underworld, daughter of Demeter and wife to Hades.

How long did Persephone live?

Greek gods and goddesses were immortal.

How does Hades wife die?

Hades' wife is Persephone, Persephone is a Goddess. Gods and Goddesses don't die, they are immortal.

When did Persephone die when nobody knew about her?

Persephone never died. She's a goddess. Gods and Goddesses can't die. They're immortal.

What is Persephone's supernatural attributes or distinguishing features?

Greek goddess: immortal, ageless. Queen of the Underworld, goddess of Spring.

What were the powers of Persephone?

As Queen Persephone of the Underworld, and goddess of the spring - a daughter of Zeus and Demeter, and wife of Hades - there is not much anyone mortal or immortal would not grant her. A goddesses powers are not limited to human imagination.

Persephone was carried off by which immortal?

Hades stole Persephone. Aphrodite and her child took pity on Hades, shot him with an arrow of love, and left. Hades, now entranced in a love spell, found Persephone and took her against her own will to the underworld. It is said that if you eat fruit of the underworld, you stay there forever. Persephone ate a pomegranate and Hades claimed her as his wife. Fortunately for Persephone, she only ate 1/4 of the fruit and when the distraught Demeter, Persephone's mother, finally found her, Persephone was allowed to visit the normal world again but for only 3/4 of the year. (She's supposedly taken back to the underworld during the winter time, hence Demeter, goddess of the seasons, etc., being sad once more and letting the season of winter go cold and unable to grow things.)

Who were persephone enemies?

Persephone enemy was Methane because she slept with Persephone's husband, Hades.

Who is Persephone's father?

Persephone's mother was Demeter. Persephone's brother was Zeus, who was also Persephone's father (confusing but is correct in the myth)