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No he was a jinn not an angel. But he was very loyal to God he got to be highly ranked in heaven with the Arch Angels.

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Satan was an archangel...let's see!he was in paradise..he was an archangel and he wanted to be like God...and here we are he was jelious and became bad angel.

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Q: Was Satan named as one of the arch angels?
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How many angel do Satan have?

Satan has no angels. Angels were made of light and can never disobey God. Satan was a jinn and evil jinn are Satans devils, no one knows how many there are.

Where can you find in bible how many angels did Satan take with him?

In the bible it states that Satan took one third of all angels with him. 2nd Corinthians 4:4

What do Christians believe about who made hell?

My dad's been a pastor all my life so I should know.There was God and his angels and one of the angels names was Lucifer, or Satan. Satan thought he could do what God could do so Satan told all of the other angels that, and one day he decided to make a place of his own (hell).only a couple went withGod does exist and you should believe in him!Another opinion:The Bible teaches that God made hell, FOR Satan and his angels. Satan did not make hell.

Six power Angels in the Bible?

The only named angels (3) that display any specific 'powers' - particularly in Daniel 10:13, would be the 'prince of Persia' or ha Satan (previously Lucifer), Michael one of the chief princes or angels of God, and Gabriel who is speaking here.

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Satan had one son named Cain Cain had many

Did Satan or one of his angels ever possess someone?

Yes the Exorcist was based on a true story.

What does a star represent?

Stars represent angels, good or bad. Because it says in the book of Revelation that Satan drew one-third of the stars with him and one-third of the angels in heaven fell.

Does Hebrew scripture say Gabriel is an archangel?

Gabriel, one of two named angels in the Bible, is not the archangel. There is only one and that is Michael. Arch, meaning chief or principle. Therefore, Michael, the archangel is the chief or principle angel over all the others.

Did God create Satan?

Christian ViewGod created angels. Satan was one of God's angels but rebelled against God. He was not called Satan at that time.Jewish ViewYes, Judaism holds that God explicitly created the Satan as he created all of the angels. However, unlike Christianity, Judaism asserts that the Satan never rebelled against God nor does he direct or control evil in the world. The Satan is God's loyal opposition, whose job it is to cross-examine God, His actions, and advocate against humanity. This leads to him generally having the responsibility for arguing that humans should not receive mercy when they arrive in the Afterlife (in contrast to God who wishes to provide mercy).The Satan is one of the few angels in the Bible whose name is never explicitly stated; the Satan is his title, i.e. the Opposer, just as the Healer is Raphael's title.

Where can you read about Fallen Angels?

Satan is the chief of the fallen Angels. Isaiah 14:12-20 reveals his demise. Verse 12 says: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer (Satan), son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"Michael, the Archangel, in the end will make war with Satan, who will be defeated, he and his angels cast out of Heaven with him. "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Revelation 12:7-9.Jesus confirmed Satan being cast out of Heaven: '"And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." Luke 10:18.While there are probably other works of literature about fallen angels, Billy Graham's book, Angels, is probably one of the most extensive and definitive modern books, which contains a chapter on "Lucifer and the Angelic Rebellion." As the Scripture indicates, this volume also shows that, when Satan (Lucifer) fell, about one third of the angels fell with him. There are also some articles online for one to examine, but the true definitive work is the Bible.

How did Satan enter paradise?

Lucifer, or Satan, didn't have to "enter" Paradise. He was originally one of the angels who sat at the right hand of God. It is more significant that he had to leave Paradise because of his overweening pride.

Is Satan in the Old Testament?

Yes. The Satan is mentioned in the Book of Job as the primary antagonist of the story.However, it is worth noting Satan is actually incredibly loyal to God and like other angels, performs his duty without question or issue. Judaism holds that God explicitly created the Satan as he created all of the angels. However, unlike Christianity, Judaism asserts that the Satan never rebelled against God nor does he direct or control evil in the world. The Satan is God's loyal opposition, whose job it is to cross-examine God, His actions, and advocate against humanity. The Satan is one of the few angels in the Bible whose name is never explicitly stated; the Satan is his title, i.e. the Opposer, just as the Healer is Raphael's title.