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Q: Was The doctrine of laissez-faire is it applies to government regulation of the economy?
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List and discuss the authorities responsible for macroeconomics policy formulation and implementation in nigeria?

There is only one authority responsible, and that applies to all countries. It is the government.

A country has a command economy. Which of the following statements applies to it?

The government owns and controls all major industries-apex

Why do prices rise when the government prints to much money?

Well when your government prints more money, they still have the same amount of gold, so the gold is worth less of your country's money. The same applies to food and other items. As money is worth less, it buys less things

What is the importance of economics in the society and for students?

The importance of economics is to keep track of money that comes in, and correspondingly what goes out on living costs. This applies from one individual, to a nation's government. Did this answer your question?Tweet This Question to History, Pol

What is the difference between pure capitalism and modified capitalism?

Free-market capitalism is based on free markets, private ownership of the means of production, and limited regulations and some government provided goods and services. Mixed capitalism has more heavily regulated markets, mainly private ownership of the means of production but also features a greater role for state-owned enterprises, and usually has economic intervention in markets to correct market failures. Both are similar in that they are both based on the process of capital accumulation, both systems attempt to maximize private profits, and both are mainly privately-owned.

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Why is the doctrine of precedence important?

The doctrine of precedent is important because that's where the courts use to govern current cases or to apply the laws if and when a precedent case applies to it.

A outline of the doctrine of judicial precedent as applies to courts in Jamaica?

Sort you head out jamica jamica

Are savings accounts reg cc regulated?

Regulation CC applies to all banks & credit unions, but it only applies to transaction accounts. Nontransaction accounts, such as savings accounts, CDs, share accounts or membership accounts, are not governed by Reg. CC. So Regulation CC does not apply to them; only to checking accounts.

What applies to government corruptions in the progressive Era?

Government corruption was fought by progressives and muckrakers- apex

What of the applies to government corruption in the progressive Era?

Government corruption was fought by progressives and muckrakers- apex

To what extent does the ultra vires doctrine apply in Zimbabwe?

Ultra vires applies in Zimbabwe to the extent that businesses that are valued at below 500,000 USD are under the ultra vires doctrine. This is according to General Notice 280/2012.

What is the government limited by meaning that the law applies to everyone?

Illuminati ∆

What is social Darwinism and what would it mean for government regulation?

Social Darwinism is a theory that applies the principles of natural selection to society, often used to justify inequality and promote competition. In terms of government regulation, a Social Darwinist perspective may argue against intervention and support a laissez-faire approach, believing that the strongest will naturally succeed while weaker individuals or businesses will fail.

What is regulation 37 in standard care?

Regulation 37 is a regulation that is set out under the Care Standards Act. Basically it is a regulation that requires all providers to inform CQC of incidents that may occur in a care home such as an accident that resulted in a hospital visit, anything that might affect the well being of the service users such as burglary of theft etc etc. This regulation also applies to domiciliary care and childrens homes.

What is Federalism as it applies to the US?

The answer is A government where the nation and the states share power

Which dod directive or regulation air force instruction or executive order applies only to IO requirements for air force members?

Afi 14-104

What is the legislation that applies to the safety of electrical equipment in the salon?

In the US, that legislation is the Occupational sAfety and Health Act, and the regulation is the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70.