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Q: Was William Shakespeare married and had any kids?
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We don't know that Shakespeare had any lovers apart from his wife. (She was certainly his lover before she married him.)

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Shakespeare married Anne in 1582 and stayed married to her for the rest of his life. Anything of any significance that Shakespeare did, he did after his marriage, including joining the Lord Chamberlain's Men

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There are no records of William Shakespeare appearing in any productions

Does Beatrix Potter have kids?

No, she married William Heelis at the age of 47 and never had any children.

Did William Shakespeare have any coins with him on them?

I only know of the Makers of the Millennium coin with William Shakespeare.

What happened to elizabeth Shakespeare's granddaughter?

Elizabeth Shakespeare was William Shakespear's grandaughter(Susanna Shakespeare's daughter) . She had no children. Neither did any of his other grandchildren. Judith had three kids none had kids. Judith died from the Black Plague in 1596 at the age of 11. Hope this helps(:

Did William Blake have kids?

Yes, William Blake had no children. He was married to Catherine Boucher, but they did not have any children of their own.

Did William Shakespeare have it?

What do you mean if Shakespeare have it? If you mean does Shakespeare have what it takes, then yes. He should any way.

Did any of shakespeares children get married?

Shakespeare's children William Shakespeare's eldest daughter, Susanna, married Dr John Hall in 1607 His younger daughter, Judith, married Thomas Quiney, a wine merchant in 1616. Judith's twin brother, Hamnet, died aged 11.

Did William Shakespeare have any ciblings?

Yes he did!

Did William Shakespeare had any sins?

sure why not?

Did shakespeare write any plays in the 1800s?

William Shakespeare died in 1616.