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it favored earthly riches because in the past religions you were not allowed to have riches you were to sacrifice them to your god but Jesus said you can have them because god will make you prosperous

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Jesus told his disciples to go and spread the good news:

Mat 28:19 Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

Mat 28:20 and teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And I will be with you always, to the end of the age."

The fact that Jesus disciples obeyed Him resulted in the rapid spread of Christianity. This was also helped by the fact that throughout most of the known world at that time there was a common language - Greek. Also the Romans as they conquered nations they built good roads to help them move their troops around so travel was relatively easy.

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Q: What aspect Christianity caused it to spread quickly?
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Did Christianity spread quickly?


What area did Christianity quickly spread throughout?


Where is Christianity started?

It started in Rome (Not the Middle East) and spread quickly.

What caused Christianity to spread to Britain Ireland and northern Europe?


How did Constantine affect Christianity?

As Roman Emporer, Constantine declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. At the time, the Empire was vast, so Christianity spread quickly.

What caused Christianity to spread?

After Jesus died and rose again, his apostles/disciples spread all over the surrounding areas and spread the good news so basically the followers now called Christians

Where is Christianity spread to?

Christianity is spread all over the world.

What aspects of Christianity caused it to spread quickly?

Aspects of Christianity that caused it to spread quickly are:It supported the idea of an afterlife.It gave the hope to the poorIt favored earthly riches because in the past religions you were not allowed to have riches you were to sacrifice them to your god but Jesus said you can have them because God will make you prosperousThe love, selflessness, and compassion that Christians showed to everyone around them even when they were being persecuted.The belief of the truth and the spiritual hunger.

When did Christianity spread to modern Germany?

It first developed in rome, but moved up into Europe quickly. Germany is part of Europe

Where did Christianity spread to in 325 A.D.?

By 325ad Christianity had spread throughout the Roman Empire and to Britain. If you google "spread of Christianity map" you will find maps showing the spread.

How did various art medias help in spread Christianity?

The creation of the printing press is the number 1 reason why Christianity spread so quickly. The ability to mass produce the bible instead of only through manuscripts allowed the Bible to become the most printed text in history and as such it greatly helped the spread of Christianity to the four corners of the globe.

Where is Christianity from?

Christian is from Atlanta Georgia