

Was cash crops hard on soil?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Was cash crops hard on soil?
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How did growing of cash crops affect the societies of Virginia and Maryland?

The growing of cash crops affected the societies in the states of Virginia and Maryland because it caused them to invade the Native Americans to take their land. Growing certain cash crops was hard on the soil and they needed more land.

What contribution did slaves make to the economy of middle colonies?

they planted and harvested cash crops in the rocky soil

How do New Jersey's cash crops help it make money?

New Jersey has warm climate and good soil so it is very easy to grow cash crops. The cash crops make it a very wealthy state. They grow things like wheat, barley, and oats. New Jersey has warm climate and good soil so it is very easy to grow cash crops. The cash crops make it a very wealthy state. They grow things like wheat, barley, and oats.

What good thing about southern colonies?

they grew cash crops and had good soil to grow it.

Good things about southern colonies?

they grew cash crops and had good soil to grow it.

In the south rich soil and cash crops led most directly to?

In the southern part of Greece rich soil and cash crops led most directly to a communal culture. Ancient Greeks settled there and found leisure time to pursue philosophy and art.

What method allowed soil to recover from the cash crop production but was impossible for poor farmers?

Leaving fields unplanted allowed soil to recover from cash crops production, but it was impossible for poor farmers who needed the money from the sale of their crops.

The problem with growing cash crops was?

The problem with growing cash crops is that it utilizes all available land for one single crop. This cuts down the amount of land that is needed for food crops. In addition, raising one cash crop only can cause the soil to degrade as a result.

Which crops are grown in laterite soil?

the crops grown in laterite soil are coconut tea and coffee . it is rich in iron and aluminum hydroxide.

What was the purpose of irrigation systerms?

Correction: It was used to water crops and hard,dry soil.

how do crops affect soil?

crops cant effect soil crops just take fertilizers from the soil

Did all 3 regions in the colonial times have cash crops?

No, The Northern had rocky soil which made it impossible to plant while the middle and southern had better soil so they did and traded with the Northern Colonies. They had cash crops that where rice, tobacco, and indigo also corn. So in answer is "' No they didn't." Hope this helps - NZ