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He read the nuns bible verses that he remebered by heart. He said simple prayers to God. He said he would love to be free. Drinking cold beer, eating and drinking ehatever he wanted. Sitting, singing, loud music, just being free.

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Homer Smith, the protagonist in "Lilies of the Field," is not depicted as a religious man in the novel or movie. He is a wandering handyman who helps the nuns with their tasks but does not show any overt signs of religious belief or practices.

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Continue Learning about Religious Studies

In Luke's gospel the paralyzed man why were the religious leaders so offended?

The religious leaders were offended because Jesus forgave the paralyzed man's sins, which they believed only God could do. They accused Jesus of blasphemy for claiming such authority. This challenged their understanding of the Law and their own authority as religious leaders.

What is a religious artefact?

A religious artefact is an object that holds religious or spiritual significance within a particular faith or tradition. These items are often used in religious ceremonies, rituals, or as symbols of faith and devotion. Examples include statues, relics, icons, prayer beads, and ceremonial tools.

What is a religious profit?

A religious prophet is a person who is believed to have received divine revelation or communication from a deity. Prophets are considered spiritual leaders who convey messages from the divine to guide and instruct followers in matters of faith and morality. They are central figures in many religious traditions and are often credited with predicting future events or challenging social injustices.

What is Gary Oldman's religion?

Gary Oldham is "non-religious" but "spiritual." In his own words, "I wouldn't call myself religious, but I would say that I was spiritual… I'm sure there was an energy and power that came off [of Jesus]. I'm not sure if he could change water into wine or that he could walk on water… but I do believe that a great man, a powerful man, was called Jesus and he walked the Earth."

What is the Functions of religious institution?

religion remove the fear & anxiety, create relationship between man & the universe, man & GOD, Judgment of right & wrong, preservation of values, create purity & cleanliness, religion creates social solidarity................. SAMA From LC University.

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