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No, although many Marijuana proponents would like to think (or spread rumors) to the contrary. Native Americans used Tobacco, and occasionally a mixture of herbs with tobacco, but not Hemp (they used that for houses, roof's, ropes, and other things).

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Q: Was marijuana smoked in a peace pipe?
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What drug is sticky dark brown smoked in a metal pipe and smells bad?

It may be hash or residue from marijuana, scraped out and smoked again.

What was smoked in the ceremonial North American Indian peace pipe?

Red Willow, the pipe was often made out of Calumet

What are things you can smoke around the house to get high off of?

Your own feces is actually quite potent when smoked out of your everyday marijuana pipe.

Once you have smoked marijuana Does smoking salvia make THC levels rise?

My experience is that salvia and marijuana are complimentary. A little pot in a pipe with some salvia sprinkled over it and then smoked - even just one comfortable hit - can prolong the salvia effects while making the marijuana effects clearer.

What do you call the decorative ceremonial peace pipe smoked by the Native American tribes?

The peace pipe is known as a calumet. To see a really cool image of a Sioux Indian smoking his calumet, click on the Related Link.

How marijuana taken?

Marijuana is usually smoked, but it can be eaten too. It is rolled into a blunt, joint, spliff, doobie, a pipe or a water bong. You can mix it with food and other baked goods and it can also be brewed as a tea.

When was marijuana smoked?


How does the person take marijuana?

Marijuana is typically smoked, but can be ingested as well. It is smoked by way of a rolled cigarette (joint, spliff, doobie or blunt), pipe or water bong. It is ingested by mixing with foods such as brownies or other baked goods and is also brewed as a tea. answer found at :

What are the causes of behavior?

Behavior can be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Genetics plays a role in determining certain behavior traits, while environmental factors such as upbringing, experiences, and social interactions also shape behavior. Additionally, psychological factors such as beliefs, attitudes, and emotions can influence how a person behaves in different situations.

What is a crack pipe?

A pipe which believe or not crack is smoked out of!

What was the original purpose of tobacco?

Tobacco was originally used (and is still used) as a part of Native American religious rituals. It can be smoked in a peace pipe.

Can marijuana be smoked and eaten?

Yes It Can