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No. He abolished the monarchy. His title was Lord Protector.

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13y ago

No, Oliver Cromwell took the title of Lord Protector, though I believe this was rather a cynical misnomer.

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Q: Was oliver cromwell ever king of england?
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Was Oliver Cromwell king of the Scots?

Oliver Cromwell was not a King. He was styled as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

What was Oliver cromwell called when he was king?

Oliver Cromwell was not the King. He was known as Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland

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King Charles II ruled after Oliver Cromwell, he restored the monarchy.

Has there always been a king or queen of England?

No, for example during the rule of Oliver Cromwell there was no king or queen of England.

The man who ruled England when there was no king or queen?

Oliver Cromwell ruled England when there was no king or queen from 1649-1660

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There have been eight Kings of England named Henry, none of whom were beheaded. The English Civil War ended in 1649 with the execution of King Charles I, who was replaced by the "Puritan" Oliver Cromwell, who ruled the country as "Lord Protector" until his death in 1658.

What leader overthrew the king of England in the English Civil War?

Oliver Cromwell

Who ruled England after Oliver Cromwell?

After Oliver Cromwell's death, the power of the government was passed to his son, Richard Cromwell. However, after two year's of Richard's death, the people demanded the monarchy back and Charles II was reinstated as King of England.

Why wouldn't oliver cromwell help the king?

Olive Cromwell wouldn't help the king coz he did not like the king coz his wife was catholic and cromwell thought she would turn england and scotland catholic

Who was the leader of the Puritan army that overthrew King Charles I and established a commonwealth in England?

Oliver Cromwell

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oliver cromwell was against King James I

What was Charles 2 of England job?

Charles the second became King of England on the restoration of the monarchy after the death of Oliver Cromwell.