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Pagaea split so it created 2 smaller super continents called Gondwanaland and Laurasia.

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Q: Was pangaea the only supercontinent to have existed?
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What is the giant supercontinent that once existed?

Pangaea Supercontinent

Was pangaea the only supercontinent that ever existed?

Scientists believe there were several other supercontinents before Pangaea.

What are the names of continents in the triassic period?

The only continent in the Triassic period was the supercontinent known as Pangaea.

Was Pangaea the only supercontinent to have existed and why?

Pangea was the only supercontinent, which Wegner tried to prove. After Wegner died, scientists now believe that Pangea did exist and now believe that there was more than one supercontinent.

What is the definition of the woad Pangaea?

Pangaea was a supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras .

What is the Difference between pangaea and pangaea ultima?

pangaea is the supercontinent that existed millions of years ago, when all the continents were together in one large. supercontinent. Pangaea ultima is the supercontinent that is predicted to form in the next 250 million years. So to be simple, pangaea already happened and pangaea ultima is predicted to happen. :)

Many scientists believe a giant supercontinent once existed called?


How do you use pangaea in a sentence?

Pangaea was all the continents together but with the eruptions there is now 7 continents. Pangaea is only 1 continent but now it is extinct.The Pangea Supercontinent existed millions of years ago.

Did the supercontinent Pangaea really exist?

Pangaea, (or Pangæa, or Pangea) was the single supercontinent that existed between 200 and 300 million years ago. There were others at earlier times.Pangaea, (or Pangæa, or Pangea) was the most recent supercontinent that existed between 200 and 300 million years ago. There were others at earlier times.

What was the one supposed supercontinent?

Pangaea, which was the supercontinent made out of all of today's continents joined together. It existed 250 millions years ago.

What did he named the gigantic supercontinent that existed 200 million years ago?

Mountains, Volcanoes, Earthquakes


a single landmass or supercontinent