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Louisiana was a French territory purchased by United States in 1803, without military force.

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Q: The Louisiana purchase was acquired through military force?
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Louisiana was acquired by US from?

France through the Louisiana Purchase of Jefferson's presidency.

Who made a military expedition through the upper Louisiana purchase?

Lewis and clark

Did the US buy Illinois from the French before or after The Louisiana Purchase?

The US did not buy Illinois specifically from the French before or after the Louisiana Purchase. Illinois was part of the larger territory acquired by the US through the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. The Louisiana Purchase included the entire Mississippi River Basin, which encompassed present-day Illinois.

Who gained control of the Mississippi River?

The United States through the Louisiana Purchase.

Why were north carolinians concerned about the louisiana purchase?

The addition of new territories through the Louisiana purchase alarmed many southerners, including North Carolinians. As territories acquired by the Louisiana purchase applied for admission to the union, they might apply as free states, states that had banned slavery. Doing so would throw the balance in congress to free states, who might then move to ban slavery throughout the nation.

List three reasons why Jefferson was interested in the Louisiana purchase?

he was looking for a northwest passage through american ie. mississippi riverhe wanted peace with indiansnapolean didnt have military power necessary to control Louisiana

How did the US get Colorado?

In part through the Louisiana Purchase.

How did the Louisiana benefit the US?

Through the Louisiana Purchase the United States acquired an area more than 828,000 square miles, doubled the size of the United States and opened up the continent to its westward expansion and also provided access to the Mississippi River .

How did the Santa Fe trial change the US?

It helped economic development as helped expand America in population through the territory it had acquired through the Louisiana purchase. Economically it set us back on track because it increased trade with Mexico as well as transportation.

When was Minnesota joined to the US?

Parts of Minnesota were acquired through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, however Minnesota did not become a state until May 11, 1858, when it officially became the 32nd state of the United States of America.

What did the united stated gain through The Louisiana Purchase?

New Orleans

What did the united state gain through the Louisiana purchase?

New Orleans