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Hooked out through the nasal cavity.

It sounds gross, but the brain of a mummy was removed when a priest put a hook into the nose of the mummy and pulled it out through a nostril. If you don't believe me, you can research it.

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8y ago

The heart was considered more important to facing the afterlife than the brain. The brain would be mashed by stirring with a metal prong inserted through the nose, and the brain hooked out and discarded.

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13y ago

they took a stick,put it through the nostril and pulled the brain out by pieces

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Q: Was the brain thrown out during the mummification process?
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What body part was thrown out during the mummification process?

The heart was considered more important to facing the afterlife than the brain. The brain would be mashed by stirring with a metal prong inserted through the nose, and the brain hooked out and discarded. I believe that the stomach was also discarded.

What organ was removed from the nose during the mummification process?

The Brain. Read it in a book, books never lie!

What was stuffed up the nostril in mummification?

A sort of long hook that was used to pull out the brain. The ancient Egyptians believed that the human brain served no purpose and was not considered as sacred as the lungs and heart, which were placed in sacred jars during the mummification process.

What did the Egyptians do with the person's brain in the preparation for mummification?

The ancient Egyptians thought that the brain had no function (as it appeared to be just an inert lump of fat) and that the heart was responsible of thinking. During the mummification process they would get a hook and put it inside the nostril. They would break the bone between the nose and the brain. Then they would wiggle the hook and that made the Brain drain from the nose in a liquid form.

What did they do to people's brain during mummification?

pulled it out through their nostrils with a big hook and preserved it in a jar.

Why were the brains removed during mummification in ancient Egypt?

They thought that the brain was useless so they just tossed them

Why did they take tutankhamun brain out?

During the mummification process, all the internal organs, including the brain, were removed as they would otherwise rot inside the body. These internal organs were also preserved using different methods than the main body and stored separately from the main body in canopic jars.

What do they do to get the brain out in Egypt during mummification?

Put a hot, poker-like instrument up the nose, swiveled it around, and pulled the brains out with a hook.

The process of mummification?

mostly desiccation, but the Egyptian priests that handled it had special rituals for each organ (e.g. the brain being just useless fat was sucked out the nose and discarded, most of the rest of the organs were removed wrapped in special linen bags with specific spices and reinserted.)

What was the substance egyptians used to stuff the nostrils?

I'm just guessing but i was told it is beeswax.

Why did the egyptians discard the brain during the mummification process?

The brain isn't seen as anything important to them. so the take it out with all the other organs all but the heart because there heart was needed to pass on into the afterlife.

Why do they take your brain out when your being mummified?

Mummification means they take out all the "soft" bits.