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Eli Whitney did not create the first cotton gin, the first cotton gin known to man is the single roller cotton gin, which was first used around 800 A.D.

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13y ago

No, Edison invented the light bulb. Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.

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14y ago

Yes, on March 14, 1794, Eli Whitney received the patent for cotton gin.

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No, it was actually invented in 1793

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No he invented it to make money.

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Q: Did Eli Whitney invent the cotton gin to stop slavery?
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How did Eli Whitney feel about slavery?

He touth that it was a good proses in witch to make mixed babies but tbh he invented the cotton gin to help stop slavery but it did the opposite

What happened to slavery after the cotton gin was invented?

after the cotton gin was invented there was no need for slavery because they machine did all of the work -----Holy crap dude your dumb. (After the cotton gin was invented, slavery increased because there was a bigger demand for cotton.) Stop answering questions you don't know the answer to.

What was Eli Whitney major accomplishments?

Inventing the cotton gin in order to stop the slow and tedious work of slaves.

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Did who try to stop slavery? Abraham Lincoln

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I think that eventually cotton will stop shrinking.

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Wet weather would stop cotton from growing because the cotton gets wet.

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NO- Madison did not stop slavery in the US. Slavery was not ended until many years later.

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he stop slavery by, well he did not the grimke sisters did in 1838

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people who wanted to stop slavery are called abolitionist.

Why and when did slavery stop?

slavery stop because slaves went up north to get jobs and have a better life.

Why did Granville Sharp want to stop slavery?

Granville sharp wanted to stop slavery because it got nasty.

Which law helped stop the spread of slavery to the west?

Northwest Ordinance helped stop the spread of slavery to the West.