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the fridge was invented on purpose to cool things

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Q: Was the refrigerator invented on purpose or by accident?
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Was the thermometer invented on purpose or by accident?

no it was not made by accident. it was made by daniel gabriel fahrenheit. he wanted to make something to measure how hot or cold it is in a specific area. that is how the thermometer was invented.

What is the purpose of the refridgerator?

The refrigerator was invented so that food does not spoil and people don't' get deceases like icoli

Was the refrigerator invented in New Jersey?

The domestic refrigerator was invented in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The refrigerator was invented by Fred W. Wolf in 1913.

Was the telephone invented on accident?

Yes it was invented on accident.

Who invented the first refrigerator freezer?

thomas Moore invented the fridge freezer and refrigerator

Who was the original inventor of the refrigerator and when was it invented?

The refrigerator was invented in1911.The inventor was a french monk.

Who invented the first electric refrigerator?

The refrigerator was invented by John Gorrie.

Is it by accident or on accident?

By accident (As 'by' is being used as a stand in for 'as a result of an', which is similar to, 'as a result of an action of Jeff', or 'by Jeff') This also raises the question "why is it 'by accident' but 'on purpose'?" 'On purpose' implies a following of a purpose, (i.e. "on point").

Did john standard invent the refrigerator?

No, John Standard did not invent the refrigerator. The man who invented the refrigerator was named Oliver Evans. He invented the fridge in the year of 1805.

Where was the refrigerator car invented?

The Refrigerator train cars were invented in 1867 and was patented by J.B. Sutherland. His nationality is the USA.