

Was the telescope Galileo's idea

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, Galileo did not invent the telescope. According to Wikipedia "The earliest known working telescopes appeared in 1608 and are credited to Hans Lippershey"

Galileo was the first person to turn the telescopes to the night sky and make some pretty contradictory observations.

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Q: Was the telescope Galileo's idea
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Galileo Galilei made the telescope by putting two lenses in to a wooden tube. the lenses focused the light coming through the tube, making the distant ojects seem closer.

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Galileo Galilei was born on February 15 1564, and died on 8 January 8, 1642.He made his first telescope in 1609, and discovered the moons around Jupiter in 1610.

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Galileo got his idea for building a telescope from?

Galileo got his idea from a professor

When was the telescope invented and by who?

probably in his house. he was looking at the stars and figured out that when you hold two kinds of lenses in front of each other it magnifies it Galileos lived all his life in tuscony in Italy.