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The British and the Germans were not going to like each other, let's face it. They both thought they were better than each other however the British didn't sign up because they hated the Germans, they did it because it was meant to be 'fun' and they wanted to support their own country.

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Q: Was there a real hatred of the enemy in World War 1?
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What is meaning of foe?

One who entertains personal enmity, hatred, grudge, or malice, against another; an enemy., An enemy in war; a hostile army., One who opposes on principle; an opponent; an adversary; an ill-wisher; as, a foe to religion., To treat as an enemy.

What is the opposite foe?

One who entertains personal enmity, hatred, grudge, or malice, against another; an enemy., An enemy in war; a hostile army., One who opposes on principle; an opponent; an adversary; an ill-wisher; as, a foe to religion., To treat as an enemy.

What is the meaning of foes?

One who entertains personal enmity, hatred, grudge, or malice, against another; an enemy., An enemy in war; a hostile army., One who opposes on principle; an opponent; an adversary; an ill-wisher; as, a foe to religion., To treat as an enemy.

What factors led to his hatred of Jews?

There's no definitive reason for Hitler's hatred of the Jewish people. His reasoning, however, was for their inferiority, to a point of considering them as less than human. He also put the blame for the German loss of World War 1 on the Jews, allowing an enemy for the German people to rally against.

How has World War 2 propaganda signs change the thought of the enemy?

well the propaganda signs made people think differently of their enemy than they did before. the signs gave the impressions to the audience that the enemy were evil and bad, making more people disaprove of their enemy and show more hatred and agression. propaganda was a way to get more people on a side for help against their opposistion.

What is the opposite of foes?

One who entertains personal enmity, hatred, grudge, or malice, against another; an enemy., An enemy in war; a hostile army., One who opposes on principle; an opponent; an adversary; an ill-wisher; as, a foe to religion., To treat as an enemy.

What is the opposite meaning of foe?

One who entertains personal enmity, hatred, grudge, or malice, against another; an enemy., An enemy in war; a hostile army., One who opposes on principle; an opponent; an adversary; an ill-wisher; as, a foe to religion., To treat as an enemy.