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no but there was a bleck nogger with an asian cuck sucking people's decks

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Q: Was there any alligator during the pearl harbor ships?
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Related questions

What ships were gone during the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

all the aircraft carriers

How many ships were in battleship row during pearl harbor?

Google it! oh my god

What other locations were targeted by the Japanese in the pearl harbor?

The ships docked at pearl harbor

When and Pearl Harbor significant?

1941, the Japanese bommed pearl harbor trying to destroy our ships that contained our aircraft that would have screwed us in the war. Luckly there was no ships at the time at pearl harbor.

What ships were used at Pearl Harbor?


What bay had a harbor deep enough large ships?

pearl harbor

How many Japanese ships where lost at pearl harbor?

3 ships

What is the significance of the Pearl Harbor Day?

Pearl Harbor Day is a remembrance day for the Pearl Harbor bombing on December 7, 1941. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii during World War II, destroying many of the US Military's ships and killing over 1,000 people in the attack.

How many US ships were at Pearl Harbor?


Is pearl harbor a naval base?

Yes but now Pearl Harbor is also a museum were military ships have docked there. Those old World war 2 military ships and aircraft are now for display at Pearl Harbor museum just to let visitors come and see those ships.

How many ship were in pearl harbor before the attack?

There was 90 ships docked in Pearl Harbor. Three ships sank, while four more took damage.

Where majority of us ships were located during Pearl Harbor attack?

Most of them were stationed AT Pearl Harbor, but there were three aircraft carriers out of the base patrolling the waters, which in the future helped the United States win the war!