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No. Water expands when it freezes, causing the rocks to crack and break.

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False! It does not have enough pressure to break the rock.

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7y ago

False !... When water FREEZES it expands. Frozen water in rock crevices expands, forcing the rocks apart - helping them to erode.

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False A+

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Q: Water works to expand joints in rocks because it expands as it evaporates true or false?
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Why are there gaps between the slabs of concrete pavements?

There are 2 reasons for that. Reason one: They can be expansion joints. In the winter the pavement contracts and in the summer it expands. these joints are generally gaps that go the whole way threw the pavement. Generally these joints are filled with some sort of caulking to keep moisture from getting underneath the pavement. Reason two: They can be put there as joints for the concrete to crack. when sidewalks are made and other concrete pavements, they anticipate the concrete cracking, so they put in gaps that dont go all the way threw the depth of the concrete as a place for the concrete to crack and not be unsightly.

What is an everyday example in which you observe a gas expanding when heated?

Example of thermal expansion:Spaces or gaps left between rail lines. The reason is that the movement of trains exerts a huge pressure on the rails, this shows up a rise in temp. in the rails made up of Fe .So, the rail expands because of θ. [ rise in temp.= θ]

What is arthology and what are the symptoms?

Arthrology is the science of studying the joints. Arthrology covers the anatomy and functions of the joints as well as dysfunctions and diseases of the joints.

Does gorilla glue foam?

Yes and no. It is very similar to urethane squirt foams like GreatStuff, and such, but it does not have any blowing agents in it. So it will not foam up to fill gaps. But it does bubble and expand a bit as it cures. Glued joints in wood will likely need to be scraped and sanded after the glue dries.

Which joints are used for brushing teeth?

The shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fingers are the joints used for brushing teeth.

Related questions

Water works to expand joints in rocks because it expands as it evaporate?


Why do sidewalks have lined joints built into them?

because they expand and contract with heat.

Does water lubricate joints?

No. Water evaporates

Why is your rib cage and breast bone partially movable?

It gives it some flexibility when the ribcage expands and contracts with pulmonary ventilation.

Do you get shorter when you walk?

yes,only 0.88 millimeters because you joints compress. but don't worry, when you sleep your bones will expand again

What connects the ribs allowing them to expand and contract?

Yes in a sense, as you inhale the diaphragm becomes full of air and it expands, the rib cage houses the diaphragm.

Does concrete expand?

yes, that is why they put expansion joints on bridges. (: your welcomeyes, that is why they put expansion joints on bridges. (: your welcome

What is the purpose of a bridge?

Expansion joints. This allows the bridge to shift or the materials to expand and contract in the bridge. This means that if it gets heated up it expands so it needs a gap so it can move and not break the road!

When water in cracks and joints freezes and expands the rock is broken into angular fragments?

known as frost wedging

Why are there gaps in the side walk?

The gaps that are put in place at the time of construction are called, "expansion joints". When concrete, and other materials, heat up, they expand. If concrete expands too much it will press against other sections of concrete and can break or "buckle". When sections of concrete press against each other too hard, sometimes two adjacent sections will press up, creating a dangerous condition for anyone walking on the sidewalk. Expansion joints give a little space for the concrete to expand before anything bad happens. Even with expansion joints, it's sometimes not enough.

Why are there gaps between the slabs of concrete pavements?

There are 2 reasons for that. Reason one: They can be expansion joints. In the winter the pavement contracts and in the summer it expands. these joints are generally gaps that go the whole way threw the pavement. Generally these joints are filled with some sort of caulking to keep moisture from getting underneath the pavement. Reason two: They can be put there as joints for the concrete to crack. when sidewalks are made and other concrete pavements, they anticipate the concrete cracking, so they put in gaps that dont go all the way threw the depth of the concrete as a place for the concrete to crack and not be unsightly.

Why is your height greater when you are lying?

Your spinal discs decompress and expand because they don't have to support the weight, making you taller. The joints in the legs and neck also do this to some extent.