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Wavelength of red light is about 700 nanometers. ie 700 x 10 to the minus 9 meters.

You may also come across units called Angstroms for light wavelengths-these were current when I was a physics student but went out of fashion. 1 Angstrom = 1/10 nm

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1w ago

Wavelengths of red light (around 700 nm) are much longer than 0.001 mm. To convert wavelengths to millimeters, you need to use the conversion factor for nanometers to millimeters, which would make the red light approximately 0.0007 mm.

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Infrared radiation is a form of energy with wavelengths longer than those of red light. It is invisible to the human eye but can be felt as heat.

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What determine the color of an object?

Light comes in many different "wavelengths". The wavelength of a beam of light determines its color.White light contains light of all different wavelengths, but objects can reflect of absorb different wavelengths.The light that an object reflects determines its color.In other words, an object that looks red must be absorbing all wavelengths of light except red.

If an object absorbs all wavelengths of light except red what color will it appear?

The object will appear red because it is reflecting the red wavelength of light and absorbing all other wavelengths.